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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Black Mob Violence Hits Nordstrom's

Black mob violence has taken on a new note in Portland, Ore. It’s not the unsuspecting passersby or the corner convenience store that’s the target here.
It’s Nordstrom’s.

Just weeks ago, a group of 10-15 hoodie-wearing blacks allegedly stole clothing and raced out of the store. Their actions were captured on video.

So far, the evidence makes it looks like just one more of the hundreds of episodes of racial lawlessness that have taken place in more than 60 cities over the last three years.



  1. If some of these people get shot this crap would stop. If I were a store owner, I would be packin. You do not have to shoot to kill. Mame a few and the word will get out. But we still need the court system to support us as we protect our property. Just shoot one in the foot, then you can shoot the others in the ass while the're trying to get out of the store. Done deal.

  2. looks like Wicomico Public schools everyday!

  3. black mobs, its only going to get worse until something is done about this BS.

  4. no dear god you can't shoot them. The world will have an outcry of support for the poor souls

  5. This is a learned thing , their parents have taught them to steal and plunder. Their culture has been doing this since the beginning of time.
    No wonder we had them as slaves , keep them in chains and they will be good little helpers.
    They are so proud of their heritage in Africa , yet none wants to move back there. I just wonder why? Could it be that things are never so good in that country that slaughters each other .
    Could it be that they may have to work , and give up assistance.
    I see the Afrian colors being worn by many , it really makes you wonder.
    Face facts , Africa is the most backward country and receives the most help. Africa has been at war longer than any other nation. I don't see any mass migration from the U.S. to there , however it would be SO nice.

  6. I did not vote for ObamaJune 24, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    Arm your self citizen, b/c we will see more of this b/c of these idiots we have in D.C.

  7. Ditto 7:25 you hit the nail on the head. And what are we going to do?

  8. They are being given the thumbs up for the Justice dept. namely Eric Holder. The police can only do so much especially since Obama gives them tax payer bought cell phones to coordinate these looting's. Arm yourselves.

  9. 7:25 Africa is not a country, you redneck moron.
    I'm sure that you instill good values into your children, your comment clearly shows it.

  10. 7:25 Africa is not a country, you redneck moron.
    I'm sure that you instill good values into your children, your comment clearly shows it.

    June 24, 2012 4:13 PM

    Do you have kids?

  11. Mobs come in all colors. Most property crimes in Wicomico and WOrcester county are committed by white offenders. I dont approve of what the kids are doing.


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