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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Bizarre Video: London-Based Cleric Claims ‘Well-Known Anal Disease’ Causes Homosexuality Addiction in Men

In an extremely odd appearance on Fadak TV in the United Kingdom, London-based Kuwaiti Shiite Cleric Yasser Al-Habib argued that an “anal disease” causes some men to become addicted to homosexuality.

According to a translation provided by MEMRI TV, Habib referenced former Caliph Omar, who ruled the Rashidun Islamic Caliphate in the year 634, to make his case.

“It is told that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab had an anal disease, which could be cured only by semen,” he said. “Someone who, god forbid, has been penetrated in the anus – a worm grows within him due to the semen discharged in him. A disease develops in his anus, and as a result… he cannot calm down unless he is penetrated again and again.”



  1. Why is this relevant to anything? the man is a lunatic and homosexuals should have every right heterosexuals get because they are equal humans.

  2. 1029-In the islamic world, if it's found out that you're gay, good chances are that you'll die. But the truth is, homosexuality is quite prevalent within islamic societies. A lot of "Catholic Priest" type stuff going on within the madrasahs.

  3. 10:29 Right! the man is a lunatic cultist trying to prevent more lunacy with idiotic stories for children.
    wrong! Homosexuals should have to register just like sex offenders and be afforded the same rights. It is a morally corrupt behavior that must be admonished and chastised publicly as it has no purpose in human evolution or procreation.
    Normal people know this and believe it but have been silenced by this air of PC tolerance and sensitivity. Sorry, it's time to hurt some feelings and beat back the onslaught of deviance.

  4. So 12:35 They should on wear pink stars? Where have we heard that before?

  5. Why do gays always compare themselves to either blacks or Jews? Black and Jew are not perversions.

  6. I agree with 1235 am. Sexual deviance is sexual deviance. Normal sex is the kind that reproduces and continues the race of people. "Deviance" means to deviate from that.


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