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Monday, June 25, 2012

Big Oil Is buying The United States House Of Representatives

On Thursday – House Republicans, with a few Democrats, passed the Domestic Energy Production Act to increase oil drilling, scrap environmental regulations, and mandate drilling on public lands. The vote tally was 248 to 163. And according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics – Big Oil paid a lot of money for all those yes votes. Each of the 248 Members who supported the giveaway to the oil industry received, on average, more than $150,000 in campaign contributions from Big Oil. But, each of the Members who voted no, have only received an average $36,000 from Big Oil. Altogether, Big Oil spent $38.6 million to get enough yes votes to pass the bill. And already, the oil industry has spent more money on the House of Representatives than in 2008 and 2010, with 88% of its campaign contributions going to Republicans. That explains why this is the most anti-environment House in our nation's history – with one out of every five votes taken to roll back regulation that keep our public lands, air, and water safe from polluters. Remember, Big Oil isn't really making campaign contributions, they're making investments – and getting great returns from their Republican shills.


  1. In 2008, Barack Obama recieved more campaign contributions from BP than any other US politician in the last cumulative 25 years.

    No outrage with that though.

  2. let them buy whoever will listen and get rid of Most of the Regs that are destroying our nation because we can't use our own natural resources.

    did you see t. boone pickens this week-end? he was on one of the talk shows and clearly stated he lost 1.5 mil. in the "wind" energy arena. he said anyone who tries wind energy now is a fool.(somerset county, i hope you see this). the only way wind will be profitable is if natural gas is at least $6. right now it sits at $2. end of story. stay away from these greenie nuts and get on with what works. improve on what is working and is profitable.

  3. T. Boone Pickens, humanitarian rich guy that he is, is also buying all the water and water sources that his money can buy. He knows there is a water shortage coming and he wants to prey upon the ABSOLUTE need for water. Oh, you don't have enough money to buy water from Mr Pickens? Then die, you sorry serf. He has always promoted whatever will make HIM more money, because you know, not only is 15 Billion dollars not enough money for him, he has YOUR best interests at heart. That is, as long as your best interests are the SAME as his and he makes some more money at it...bet your life he got "tax credits" for his adventure with wind energy. So, his "loss" is for the sympathy of the people, not any monetary one.

  4. yeah 12:18, and according to you guys he is leading the charge to destroy those companies and cease oil production in the US. So which is it. Obama the Big Oil crony or the anti-oil socialist? Sheesh, pick one narrative and stick to it.

  5. 200-"You guys"? Hey ninny, I'm not a Republican, just a guy that looks at campaign contributions and the post-election paybacks.

    OpenSecrets.org is the most comprehensive resource for federal campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis available anywhere.

    Instead of listening to talking points, follow the money.

  6. Open Secrets is funded by George Soros.

  7. 605-Open secrets #s are correct, so I don't care who funds it. I'm glad someone is showing who paid who.

  8. Be they Dem or Rep if they are an incumbent vote them out. They won't set term limits, we can by our votes!

  9. Who are they buying it from the socialist party?

  10. Is anyone really surprised to read this? Anyone willing to connect the dots with the other story on the site about stepping up military and intelligence in Africa?


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