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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Biden Spends $1 Million Annually For Weekend Trips

Ronald Kessler reporting from Washington, D.C. — Last June, President Obama appointed Vice President Joe Biden to root out wasteful government spending. But behind the scenes, it’s a different matter.

Every Friday, Biden takes a helicopter designated as Marine Two from the vice president’s residence to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland and then hops on Air Force Two to fly back to his home in Delaware. At the end of the weekend, he returns on Air Force Two, usually a Boeing C-32.

During warm weather, Biden regularly returns to Andrews on the airplane on Saturdays to play golf at the Air Force base with President Obama. After the golf game, he flies back to Delaware and returns to Washington on the plane on Sunday evening — all at taxpayer expense.

The cost of flying Air Force Two is $22,000 an hour, so each half-hour trip to or from Delaware costs about $10,000. Each golf game costs taxpayers $20,000. At that rate, the annual cost to taxpayers of Biden’s weekend trips is well over $1 million.



  1. Lynch the bastard......what a pompus ass! Everyone of them have no clue as to what the people are dealing with out here in the real world

  2. We agree Gary. All of the politicians haven't a clue, nor do they even care. The public is force fed lip service and b.s. non stop, but no substance or improvement. Joe can buy a good used gyrocopter on ebay for around 10-15k and save American taxpayers a ton of dollar$$$$, not to mention they're called flying coffins.

  3. Cheney went back and forth to Wyoming what did that cost? These are stupid articles since it costs almost the same no matter who is in office.

  4. That's not true! One or two colf games are canceld due to bad weather.

  5. I wish people would stop this nonsense.
    Like 9:37 Anon said, Cheney did the same thing basically.
    Unless you're going to compare both sides, your point is mute!

  6. 11:32
    Ummmm that would be moot not mute.


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