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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


You should know the Sheriff's Department has a new speed camera at the Salisbury School. It's a gold colored car, not a SUV. You've been warned, SHHHHHHHH!


  1. How do we get this on a referendum?

    You wanna give a ticket - a real person has to issue it.

    Machines are subject to error, not subject to reason, and can't be hauled in to court as a witness...

    Yes, I obey the speed limit. This is what I consider an unreasonable search by big brother....

  2. salisbury school? is that even COUNTY SCHOOL ZONE?

    when will the police state take it to the next level?

  3. Salisbury School sits back off the road. Do the kids even have to cross the road there or get close?

  4. If you don't like the law, or the way it is written, complain to the State of Maryland. As far as the Salisbury School, are those children any less important than a child that attends public shool? Do you all think that we should abolish the use of security cameras as well? Let's take away the cameras in the banks. How about speed pass? How else are you going to enforce people going through without the pass? Pay an officer to stop every vehicle and make sure they have the pass? Cameras are technology. So

  5. you would think the sign would be enough for most people!

  6. Public funds to police a private school??
    That crosses the line Mr. Mikie...
    1:20... your an a$$.

  7. The gov't has lost their way. Not unlike the so called stimulus that spent billions and produced very few real jobs. The last figure I saw showed that each new job cost tax payers millions per job. How many damn speeding tickets does this high tech equipment have to write to pay for the cost. Bet it's a crazy number...if it ever pays for itself.

  8. in 40 years in salisbury, i don't know of one incident where a child was injured in a vehicle accident withing a mile of a school in this county. it happens in the neighborhoods and around their homes. like the 2 kids run over by trains over by dover street.

    it's all about money. not the kids.

  9. the gov wants every last dime we have!

  10. i disagree 1:36.
    i distinctly remember when i was in middle school, I saw sitting on the bus waiting to turn right onto Davis st, when a kid ran infront of my school bus without taking time to look and was nailed by a car. this was maybe 6 years ago??

    BUT, this is not the drivers at fault here. the students need to be responsible enough to look both ways, AND cross at cross-walks. they are there to protect the children crossing the road and should be taken advantage of.

  11. 1:20
    They have told us the speed cameras are for the safety of the child. Please tell me how many children walk to school? How many have to cross the road? No one said anything abuot any child being better than another. Seems you jumped on that band wagon pretty quick. Do you think people that have children that have to walk to school need more protection than those that are driven there? There are other places they could have put this, not that I like the idea, but they say it is for the safety of the kids. I don't see how a speed camera in this location helps.

  12. This is nuts. They have a speed camera in front of a school that has less than 200 kids there? None walk to school and none go near the road. How about they start putting them in the bigger developments for the "safety" of the children.

  13. 2:01, maybe you didn't read the second comment. It questioned if the Salisbury School was even a county school zone. And 1:34 questions if the county should do anything with private enterprises.

    1:36, what about the kids that have been hit in front of Bennett, or the one on Rt 50 at Wi Middle? 2:08, maybe the cops shoudn't do anything at a facility, unless it has over 200 people. You guys are getting better all the time.

  14. 2:08, their athletic fields are right beside the road. Remember the nut that drove into the field and did doughnuts a few years back...while kids were outside? Ended up mowing down several mailboxes and crashed on Parker Rd? If someone is speeding down Outten Road and can't stop, they could easily kill some kids.

  15. Gary, to give you an idea of just how much speed cameras cost the state, the program that oversees them has a budget this year just shy of 19 million. This Safe Zone program also created 50 plus new state jobs. This is only the program itself and not the dept in which the program is under.
    So anyone who says this is free money is wrong. There is no money to be made out of this except for the speed camera vendors-PERIOD! These camera vendors have a very strong lobby. It has nothing to do with saving lives but all to do with campaign contributions.
    Don't be fooled.

  16. If it will slow down you jerks that think you are above the law, I am all for it. They don't even trigger till 12 over, so get up 5 minutes earlier and behave like a citizen should. Put down your make up, your phones, or whatever and be responsible to your fellow human beings. I travel RT 50 twice a day, and you idiots are trying to kill us all. Add the PA boneheads into the mix and you have a disaster waiting to happen.

  17. 3:33 Add to that the rogue cops that NEVER OBEY the posted speed limit.

  18. The issue is this:

    The reason the cameras are in front of the schools is to slow drivers down for the safety of the students. Since The Salisbury School has students who attend, drivers should be "encouraged" to drive slow, just as much as they should in front of Bennett. But, part of the money from those speed traps goes to the schools where they are near. I seriously doubt any of the money if going to The Salisbury School because they are a private school. So, where is the money going?

  19. Ummm...12:43, I'm almost positive that the Salisbury School is in Wicomico County and is located on a County road. In fact, County residents might even attend there!

  20. 100% of the populations speeds. People only don't want speed cameras because they will get caught. period.

  21. Is the stadium in the city or county?

  22. that gold colored car has been busy they had in in front of pemberton elementary school then moved it to wi middle then back to pemberton now it's at salisbury school. I'm waiting for someone to take that car out.

  23. Big Brother is always watching.


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