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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Behar Says It Would Be 'Cool' If Romney's House Burned Down

Current TV executives must be having second thoughts about their latest hire.

The ultra-low rated news outlet announced this week it will be giving over precious air time each weekday to far-left comedian/pundit Joy Behar come September.

The "View" mainstay has said plenty of regrettable things in the past, but less than 24 hours after joining Current TV she's already let loose with a new, mean-spirited gaffe.

Newsbusters reports Behar told an interviewer from Mediaite that she thinks it would be "kind of cool" if one of Mitt Romney's houses burned down.

MEDIAITE: He was making fun of the President for wanting to hire more policemen and firemen and teachers saying, you know, “Didn’t he get the message of Wisconsin that we want less government?”
BEHAR: Oh, less government? That is an idiotic statement. Can I just say that?
BEHAR: I mean, I’d like to see his house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down. It would be kind of cool - the Mormon fire patrol.



  1. The woman is a twit.

  2. She is such a flaming idiot.

  3. Behar is mentally ill anyones home burning down is a horrible situation

  4. Silence the opposition by any means possible is the liberal mantra.

  5. If this was rush limbaugh saying this about Obama or anybody else there would be an investigation by congress and lawsuits and of course calls of boycotts and to have him removed off the air , but it's a lift wing kook so it was " only a joke ".

  6. she's one ugly, evil woman. thinks she's funny to her own detriment. so very clueless.

  7. She is another Anti-American Jew.

  8. I'm not a big fan of Joy Behar (way too rude and obnoxious), but to set the record straight: She's Italian, not Jewish. Be careful when you spray those ethnic slurs around!

  9. She should be publicly reduced to the demoskank she is.
    Immediate dismissal is in order.

  10. She is a sick person and should be institutionalized.

  11. Current TV is hitting a new low by hiring thie woman. Of course it being owned by Al Gore, what can you expect.

  12. there are on 3 people watching current t.v.


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