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Monday, June 25, 2012

Barack Obama Job Approval Rating Is Falling To Drastic Levels

Gallup's daily tracking of President Barack Obama's job approval rating puts the president on shaky ground for re-election this fall.

Obama's approval rating is down to 43 percent in Gallup's rolling three-day average, down from about 45 percent earlier this month. It's the first time his approval rating has been this low since the end of March. The percentage of people who disapprove of his job performance now stands at 49 percent.



  1. 35 % if you subtract the 10 points the Liberal media adds on to help sway public opinion to make him look as good as they can.

  2. i gotta admit i am surprised his numbers were ever high to begin with

  3. Good.4 more years and we'd all be living under a bridge.

  4. From that 35%, subtract another 15% of people who are dead but voted, people who voted 2-4 times, people who registered their dog to vote, illegal immigrants who illegally voted, and all the people in nursing homes and such who were bused to an election office and "helped" to vote for, don't laugh --- the candidate "of their choice". Pretty much takes ya down to the 12% black population and about 8% of people who would vote for obama even if he appeared with Satan at a fundraiser.


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