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Friday, June 08, 2012

Axelrod Plays Dumb on Obama and Socialist 'New Party'

Senior Obama campaign political strategist David Axelrod played dumb this afternoon when confronted by Breitbart News about President Barack Obama's membership in the socialist New Party in the mid-1990s. 

Earlier today, author Stanley Kurtz released proof that Obama had been a member of, and sought the endorsement of, the radical group in 1996--contrary to the Obama campaign's denials. 

Axelrod, who was leaving a Chicago radio station accompanied by an aide, at first refused to answer whether the Obama campaign still denied that Obama had been a member of the New Party. Asked whether his silence meant "yes" or "no," Axelrod said: "You can take that as I have no idea what you are talking about."



  1. Democrats need to purge the communists from their party.

  2. axelrod is either clueless or he knows. i would guess he knows. he's probably a member as well. their all of the same ilk.

  3. meant to spell it they're. sorry...

  4. 9:57
    There would only be 1 out of every 10 dumbocrats left if they purged the commies out

  5. Problem is, they (socialists) have corrupted the whole democratic party.
    If they purge, the party is done.

  6. I thought Axelrod was something that fell out from underneath a car.


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