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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Attention OBX Visitors

This is of great importance because its effects will greatly impact the economy of Hatteras Island and the experience of visitors from all over the nation. This Recreational Seashore was set aside and dedicated “for the benefit and enjoyment of the American People”. With the new “rule” in place, an enormous loss of income will occur on Hatteras and Ocracoke islands as a result of closures and new restrictions. These new restrictions will have the effect of limiting commerce within the National Park Service fostered, tourism based, economies now extant within the eight villages surrounded by the Seashore. The Park Service was twice tasked with creating a rule for ORV use within the Seashore, and twice they failed. What they seek to do now is to “un-develop” the Seashore, that which Congress stated “which shall be developed for such uses (recreational) as needed” ( 16USC459 sec.4) And they do so in violation of law wherein congress directs them not to conduct an activity in derogation of the mission established by congress for this area without “direct and specific” authorization from the Congress. (16 USC459 sec.1a-1) It is time to return this Seashore to the people to whom it belongs and put an end to the bureaucratic nightmare that will destroy the lives of the residents of the islands and change forever the mission given NPS by congress.

The Interior Department is closing pubic beaches on Hatteras Island all in the name of a few birds that are being coddled and protected by a select group of Environmentalists. I urge you to go here and sign this petition to restore a level of sanity to the situation. It could be your favorite beach or forest that the come next.

Would you please take the time to read and sign this petition.

Updated information  HERE


  1. toyota gave $20 mil to the tree huggers (audubon society) several years ago, they then sued the NPS and came up here ans sued the NPS over osv on assateague. Court ruled in NPS favor for assateague since the NPS has a plan and they follow it, ie, number of vehicles and closeures, etc. NPS had no plan at OBX. Since then they have been working on one. This year you will actually have to buy a pass to enter onto the sand. Once again the tree huggers want us to stop living and enjoying ourselves! Just wish they would drop dead!
    And never buy a toyota!

  2. These are the same weirdos that after that last hurican tried to prevent them from building back the bridge to get to the island. They didn't care that people have homes and businesses there they were more concerned for the animals.

  3. sadly I will not sign things on change.org, every time I do I get spammed afterwords in email.

    I think what is happening down there is very wrong to the people though.


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