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Sunday, June 10, 2012

After Walker Victory, Indiana Governor Suggests Public Unions Should Go

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.  

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.



  1. all public sector unions should be banned. Reagan had it right, fire them and start again. You can't serve the public when you are to damn busy serving yourself! Don't like it get a regular job without the unions protecting your lazy incompetent asses. And work for a living!

  2. 1128-Not only Reagan felt that way, but Lefty hero FDR. There is no place for unions in the public sector. The public sector has a fiduciary responsibility to the TAXPAYERS, not the unions.

    Keep pushing Gov. Daniels!

  3. He is partially right. ALL unions should go! Socialism has no place in America.

  4. I think only public unions should go, They are corrupt by design and steal tax dollars.

  5. all unions are corrupt. That's why all the union leaders are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on the back of their members. They just want to perpetuate their lifestyles! spoken by a former member of the IAM.

  6. 813-I don't mind private sector unions. Public sector? Different story. One I can avoid doing business with, the other? Not so much.

  7. The IAFF is one of the worst unions and I am not a member any longer after seeing the Left Wing Nuts endorsed by them. Sad thing is I never got a say in who they were endorsing.

  8. If voters realized their tax dollars would be supporting unions for public service workers, they would not sign petitions in support of collective bargaining. Beware, O.C. voters! Your taxes will increase if referendum goes through and voted as law.

  9. 7:56 Curious to why you think taxes will increase in Ocean City if employees can starting bargaining. Under most public sector union scenarios, workers are not allowed to strike. Unless the citizens also vote to give workers binding arbitration, the jurisdiction should never offer more to the unions/employees that they can afford. What really happens in public sector negotiations is the government has a predetermined slice of the overall pie they will offer to the union/employees. How the union/employees choose to divvy up that slice among themselves is really what is determined at the table.

  10. 8:22 you just don't get it. Why should we the taxpaying public have to bow to your demands? If you don't like your job or working conditions then find another job!
    It's easy, many of us in the private sector manage to do it!


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