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Saturday, June 09, 2012

Addressing High Tuition Costs, Denver College Cuts Tuition in Half… For Illegal Immigrants

The cost of college tuition has skyrocketed in recent years and the issue has become a leading cause among members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, who claim education is fundamental right. They might be happy to know that help is finally on the way… for illegal immigrants.

Metro State College of Denver trustees on Thursday voted 7-1 in favor of a plan that will give illegal aliens a 58 percent tuition break, making them the first college in the country to lower tuition for non-citizens, CBS4 in Denver reports. The state legislature could decide to reduce state funding as a result, one Colorado lawmaker says.

State lawmakers shot-down a bill that would have lowered tuition for illegal immigrations during their last session. Further, CBS4 reports similar laws have been defeated five times in the last nine sessions.



  1. And we wonder why our country is turning third world? Someone who has been paying taxes all their lives don't get the same opportunities as those who have paid none!

  2. 1:58
    You make a great point. It seems the ones that are being responsible are the ones that get to pay all the bills.

  3. Didn't Maryland try to pass this same scenario? Or maybe they already did as it seems as though I signed a petition about this. Something is wrong with this where illegal immigrants get a lower tuition than US citizens. Sounds like an Obama rule to me......

  4. Awwww, Shoot, you guys! How else is ths Annointed One supposed to buy votes for November? Jeesh, you guys! Give a sucker a break!

  5. I guess Colorado is off my "move to" list. What a beautiful place to live, too. Oh, well... another state lost to the LIBERALS...

  6. Maybe this is why the Denver Broncos football team is full of gay men.

  7. Does anyone else feel like beating their a$$e$ for coming up with a bill like this and then voting on it!


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