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Saturday, June 09, 2012

ACORN Official Grabs $445 Million Grant From Obama Admin

ACORN, the supposedly defunct organization defunded by Congress in the aftermath of James O’Keefe’s video exposing ACORN employees’ willingness to help out pimps and prostitutes attain government benefits, is back. As Judicial Watch has uncovered, the Obama administration offered $445 million to a former ACORN official as part of a $7.6 billion government program designed to help “unemployed or substantially underemployed” Americans make their mortgage payments.

The ACORN official, Joe McGavin, is director of Hardest Hit, an Illinois program that received that massive Treasury infusion. Prior to his time at Hardest Hit, McGaven was director of counseling for ACORN Housing in Chicago, and the operations manager for Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA), an ACORN affiliate.



  1. Afetr administration fees,how much of this money will go toward mortgages of the TRULY needy? How many mortgages will be kept from foreclosure? I'm sure these details won't be available to the public.

  2. I guess I should just sign up for this crap, since all the other idiots are. Probably I will be turned down because of the white color of my skin.... Now I'm the "Minority".


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