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Friday, May 18, 2012

Worcester Schools Rank Second Highest in State

Ninety-one percent of all seniors attending Worcester County Public Schools have met their graduation requirements, according to a report by the Worcester County Board of Education, giving the schools the second highest ranking in the state.

Students must fulfill the requirements of four different categories in order to graduate and a total of 21 class credits must be completed. A student cannot be absent from school any more than six days of each school year. At least 75 hours of community service, deemed Service Learning, must be performed. Each of the three High School Assessments — state exams focusing on English, math and science — also must be passed.

“Those numbers are very positive to us,” Stephanie Zanich, coordinator of instruction and assessment, said during the Board of Education meeting Tuesday in Newark. “It’s a glimpse that reveals to all of us that we’re doing the right things for the students we work with.”



  1. Given the fact that most of the schools suck , I guess that's pretty good.

  2. That is VERY good! My daughter is graduating from Snow Hill High School which is a top performing school. Just attended the WEXL banquet last night and was thrilled at an entire room full of motivated students who have attained grade point averages of 4.5 and above consistently for four consecutive grading quarters.


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