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Friday, May 04, 2012

We're Almost There Now

HR347 – the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act is now “the law.” (More accurately, an updated version of the Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich. The phraseology and cadences are becoming so familiar, aren’t they?)

It codifies the federal government’s practice – ever since the days of The Chimp – to shunt protestors into what Judge Andrew Napolitano rightly calls No Speech Zones and more, expands on it – criminalizing mere speech, mere peaceful assembly, if it “impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of government business or official functions” – as defined by the agents of the federal government. The language is so sweepingly vague it amounts to carte blanche suspension of the First Amendment whenever and wherever the government so decides.

Heckling – or even standing silent with a protest sign could and will be construed as “impeding” and/or “disrupting” the “orderly conduct of government.”



  1. Who doesn't think this is straight out of "1984"? SILENT protesting --- just holding a sign! -- can now get you beat up, "detained", and facing felony charges?? I missed the part in the Bill of Rights that says the government can put you in prison for NOT speaking. Or for standing on public property (you know -- the land that was PAID FOR by the CITIZENS, but is now apparently owned by politicians, yeah THAT land). Whats so sad is that, across our great nation, there are MILLIONS of people who are beside themselves with glee over this latest insult to our laws and Constitution. Like I've said before, these snakes should take the Constitution out of it's nuclear attack-hardened casing and just burn it on the steps of the Capitol. At least they would be upfront about their true intentions. And don't you find it ironic that a nuclear weapon couldn't destroy the document, but some idiot senators can? And are....

  2. lmclain your on a roll tonight!
    Keep it up!


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