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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Verizon To Kill Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans

If you were one of the Verizon Wireless customers who was allowed to continue their unlimited data plans after the company switched to tiered pricing last summer, we have some bad news. The company says it will be eliminating grandfathered plans as it rolls out LTE service.

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Updated Statement from Verizon  Here


  1. "Customers have told us that they want to share data, similar to how they share minutes today"

    such utter bs, I cannot even believe that someone high up truly believe this.

  2. The statement by Verizon says that people who are already signed up for unlimited data will keep it. ONLY new customers signing a NEW contract will lose it.

  3. The statement says when anyone signs a new contract, unlimited data goes bye bye.

  4. doesn't that contradict the whole idea of "grandfathering"?

  5. What some of you missed here, is that to get a new phone at a discounted rate, you MUST sign a new contract. Changing your rate plan for more or less minutes, adding a phone to your plan also constitutes signing a contract. Unless someone is willing to pay $500 or more for a new smart phone and NEVER change or alter their plan... Verizon pretty much has you by the you know whats.

    I mark this up to less competition. When there were many more options of companies to choose from, eroneous fees and charges were dropped, prices came down, and there was more selection. Now that these companies have been merging (Sprint and Nextel, Cingular and ATT...etc) prices are on the rise and selection is down. Simple capitalism at work. When a company knows it can get away with something, it will.

    I just returned my smart phone with my unlimited plan to Verizon, put my service back on a plain old flip phone (which does everything that I used on the smart phone, calling and texting) and told Verizon to cancel my unlimited plan. They won't extort me into spending more, or buying something I don't need. They can pound sand.

  6. 7:23. if you go to verizons forums you can see where people have been wanting shared data for years. i visit at times and its always been a topic.

  7. When the new options are introduced, Unlimited Data will no longer be available to our customers purchasing handsets and signing a new contract. Customers who choose to purchase phones at full retail price and are currently on an unlimited smartphone data plan will be able to keep that plan. The same pricing and policies will apply to all 3G and 4GLTE smartphones.

  8. They can pound sand.

    May 18, 2012 4:37 AM

    Being consistent with ignorant statements makes you a consistent idiot.

    I know, I can go pound sand right?

  9. There is something everyone is missing here. What does a shared data plan have to do with an unlimited one? That's right nothing. They are two different plans. People who have the unlimited data plan have nothing to do with NEW shared data plans that would be introduced. If someone wanted to change from an unlimited to a shared plan, they would be aware that they are loosing the unlimited.

    This "ploy" of "people have been asking for shared data plans" is nothing more than a Jedi Mind Trick, a red herring, a way to distract and distort. To save face in what their real objective is... which is to kill the unlimited plan and start raking in the profits.

    I have no problem with the company killing the unlimited plans to be more profitable. Just don't lie to me. Don't treat all your customers like we are stupid.... because that's what Verizon is doing... basically hoping we are all idiots.


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