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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Underwear Bomber Not A Terror Plot After All

It now looks like the underwear bomber terror plot that was foiled - wasn't really a terror plot at all. The would-be bomber was actually an informant working for the Saudi government and the CIA, who had infiltrated Al-Qaida in Yemen, and then volunteered to carry out the attack. Once the informant was given the bomb – he turned it over to his handlers – who then turned it over to the FBI. The underwear bomb that was seized, by the way, is a much more sophisticated device than the one used in the failed 2009 bombing: Reportedly, it's a non-metallic device that would have been undetectable even during an intrusive pat-down. So, surprise - our security theatre in airports - complete with Chertoff X-Ray porno scanners and TSA gropes – doesn't keep us safe. Next step? Have TSA agents slap on latex gloves and bust out the K-Y jelly? We've become insane, and Ben Franklin was right when he said that, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Time to end the "security theatre" and get rational again.


  1. We need to lube up the entire DHS
    and shove it up Obama.

  2. yeah, this is so terrible. That bomb should have gotten into a real terrorists hands. boo hoo

  3. I have seen on MSM a duplicate copy of underwear ignited and exploding. I doubt it would depressurize an airliner. Granted it would make a mess what with the intimate nature of the design but it may not even be enough of a blast to kill the wearer immediately.


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