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Monday, May 21, 2012

Trayvon Martin’s Mother Speaks To Baltimore Congregation About Her Son’s Death

Seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by neighborhood watch member George Zimmerman in Florida. Martin’s mother comes to Baltimore to talk about her son’s death.

Derek Valcourt has more on Sybrina Fulton’s emotional visit.

Pastors introduced her as the mother of the new civil right’s movement, the Rosa Parks of the next generation– a role Fulton never wanted.

Martin’s mother was overwhelmed by support from Empowerment Temple AME Church.

“It’s so easy for me to cry everyday but I can’t. I’ve got work to do,” Fulton said.



  1. My pit bull was killed last week while viciously attacking a teenager.

    I think I'll go on a church tour to tell everyone how good he was and how bad the teenager that was being mauled is.

    These people are despicable.

  2. And who is paying her expenses while she is traveling all over the Country?

  3. Amen! If I were in that same situation, I would have reacted exactly like zimmerman.

  4. They are milking this for everything it's worth!!

  5. I am not saying I agree with her but her son was shot recently and I do believe we would all be pretty upset and angry as parents. Especially if we had no idea why it happened.

  6. They know exactly why it happened.
    They raised a thug and expect everyone to believe he was a righteous little boy.
    I'm very sorry that she could not do a better job raising her child.

  7. There are plenty of little "thugs" that walk around everyday and do not get shot. A person is a person. I dont care how they were raised. He was not carrying a gun on him so he wasn't that big of a "thug".

  8. I have no sympathy for her, she in it for the money, before her son was even cold she had his name trademarked. Her son was a thug and Zimmermann did the world a favor.

  9. Wonder if her "talk" in Baltimore ignited the beating of a 19 year old white boy near the Inner Harbor recently! There are gangs in Baltimore that are preying on white tourists and the Martin family "talks" are making things worse. It surprises me that the family is even showing their face in light of the new evidence regarding the case.

  10. 10:56 keep drinking the koolaid!

  11. 12:58
    You mean the kool-aid from ABC News?
    The new Rosa Parks? What has she done to further civil rights of anyone?

  12. @12:58 I have actually posted about 100X just today on numerous posts about how bad Obama has been you idiot. I was just defending a mother from a parental point of view. Where is all this Kool Aid mess coming from just because I said one thing that doesn't match your view. WHy don't you stop drinking so much hateraid and get a life.

  13. I think this woman need to get a grip. She may have raised what she thought was a good kid, but try as you might, peer pressure can certainly get the best of them. This kid had bruised/scrapped knuckles that could match the injuries on Mr. Zimmerman. I guess this "angelic teenager" had pot in his system because someone walked by him & blew the smoke in his fact. Believe that & I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

  14. Wow, if my son was killed the first thing I would do is go out and trademark his name. Then I would spend the next several months on a countrywide speaking tour fanning the flames of racial hatred, yeah that is a logical typical reponse to losing a child. How is it the parents don't have to worry about their jobs and how to pay the bills? One guess as to who is footing the bill for their hate whitey tour.

  15. I have pity for her as a parent. BUT don't care to hear one word she says. I believe the story is more in favor of what Zimmerman said and that he shot in self defense. I believe Zimmerman had a right to be there to help keep the streets safe and this kid who was not only suspicious, but was under the influence, probably reeking, was worth observing. That does not insight an attack on the part of Martin, and does in fact give Zimmerman the right to "stand his ground". The Martin contingency is racist in every possible way. With Obama taking the lead. Idiot!


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