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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today's Survey Question 5-15-12

Do you think City Council Meeting are taking too long?


  1. no, the longer the meeting, the more I get to laugh at.

  2. I don't get why this gets discussed. Are they supposed to do major decisions in 10 minutes? People used to b*tch about Dunn and his minions doing that. If this council does have a short meeting, people b*tch they aren't doing anything.

    Terry Cohen was long last night toward the end, but it was a lot of information and she looked tired.

    Mitchell and Shields were blabbing on and insulting just so you could run a survey question that the meetings are too long.

    If Cohen throws the other two out for their disrespect, then the wolves will finish her off. I'm not sure I would agree with her doing it. But it's tempting.


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