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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Today's Survey Question 5-1-12

How many of your Family members served in the military?


  1. My Grandfather, my Dad and my Uncle. On my mother's side, my two Uncles. One of them went to vietnam three times. He volenteered to go back two times to save two other people from seeing what he saw during this war.

    God Bless the USA!!!

  2. Far as I know, 2... My grand-pop and his brother...

    Who didn't fight for the country we have now... they fought for a country we won't see again...

    He wouldn't lay his life down for anyone of these nut jobs...

  3. Three out of Four

  4. 5 including myself. One very good learning experience for me.I finished high school and saw half the world serving in the NAVY by the time i turned 25 yrs.old.Wouldnt trade it for nothing.

  5. From the Civil War to now, eight, all volunteers.

  6. 7 total. My father (20yrs USAF), husband, sister, brother in law and 3 nephews.

  7. My son is on his third tour of the Middle East, seven of my uncles were in from WWII on through Nam. I was married to the Marine Corps for 11 years.

  8. My grandfather WWII my dad and his brother Korea and vietnam.Four uncles on my moms side Marines.Two cousins past marines .Five cousins current active military(airforce,army,marines)my nieces husband active airforce ,my cousins sons active navy,army.And hopefully next year my son will be acceted in the Airforce Academy.

  9. Me and my dad - for different countries though.

  10. My Dad, both of my brothers, both of my Grandfathers, many uncles, cousins and now three nephews.

  11. My husband and his brother.One served Army and the other Marines.

  12. Son - 22 yrs (4 tours middle east, 1 Korea - Daughter 8 yrs - 2 brothers

  13. Two very wonderful people

  14. ONE! This includes the racial riots of 1968 that most refuse to admit ever happened. SOME of us were held back from Nam.. just to protect "crackers". After that, I have had difficulty understanding what the point was. Obama has not made any of this better.

  15. Several of my family members have and still serve...My son serving on the front lines in afghan now. Gets shot at daily..... Rec1

  16. To many to count! My family has always served in the military, for generations. A proud tradition for my family.

  17. My brother he served in Viet Nam.


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