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Monday, May 07, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 5-7-12

The Eastern Shore is loaded with _____.


  1. friendly people.

  2. Crime illegals and joblessness

  3. thieves, waste water in our rivers... taxes, fees, and people who blame others for their own wrong doings

  4. Hot Looking Men (^_^)

  5. Sex,Drugs and Rock-n-Roll LOL

    Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad!

  6. Flies and mosquitos

  7. Delmarva - Land of Pleasant Living

    Is the cup half full or half empty?

    We definately have major issues to address, but we have good people that will step up and do the right thing. Sometimes the heat has to get really hot in the kitchen before the skunks come out.

  8. Racists Bigots Rednecks and Many Small Minds. And I almost forgot plain mean people that think they are better then everyone. At least that's what I see on Joes blog.

  9. 1:51
    Sorry I have to disagree with you. I have lived on both sides of the bridge and the people on the eastern shore are far from thinking they are better than everyone. That award goes to the people that live West of the bridge. People here are more willing to help you. On the other side they are to busy trying to keep up with the Jones to slow down to help anyone else out.

  10. bbw's try to find a skinny girl here is like trying to find a unicorn!

  11. 1:51 if don't you like shore than move the hell out and stay the hell away

  12. Hot Chicks (^_^)

  13. Crabs and Baltimorons.

  14. 1:51 I've lived all over including not only other countries but also a suburb of Wash DC and I disagree with you also.
    Racism and bigotry is much more apparent on the western shore. The schools here tend to be multi ethnic whereas there they are not as much and any talk of changing district lines and all hell breaks loose. Of course race is never mentioned but it is the underlying reason.
    The only intolerance I see here (and it's not a bad thing) is intolerance of those who commit criminal activity. Alot of places there is always an excuse for why people commit crimes. Maybe in your way of thinking that is what you mean by small minds. I prefer to see it as people who don't tolerate an excuse for bad behaviour and people who take responsiblity for their own actions and not place blame.

  15. Litter bugs. I have just finished pulling an old TV from a stream, a vacum from a ditch, and every fast food bag and cup on the planet from the roadside. Please just do the right thing and dispose of it properly! FYI I do this for free because you slobs won't, I would rather be at home with my grandkids.

  16. Awesome people like me!

  17. flies, flies, flies. where do they all come from and why so many? is it from all the chicken houses?

  18. No, the flies come from the westside of the bridge.

  19. Stupid Democrats who will only vote Democrat because they are getting a free ride from the taxpayer.


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