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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 5-15-12

My oldest relative lived to be ____ years old.


  1. My Great Aunt Lu, lived to be 106 years old. I was named after her so I hope I live as long...

  2. 98-great great grandmother. She wasn't infirmed or anything. Still walked without help including walking up and down steps. She went to sleep one night and never woke up.
    Never saw a doctor in her life either except for the eye doctor and the dentist.
    Maybe had she seen a doctor she would have lived even longer-LOL!

  3. 98, my grandfather

  4. 100 years old. She was my great grandmother. She didn't have a phone installed in her home until she was 80. It was a major ordeal. She was mad at everyone. So when the man showed up to her house we were expecting her to lock him out. Instead she made him her famous chocolate chip cookies and was just as sweet to him as could be.

    When she told stories to us about all of the things she had seen invented in her lifetime I love hearing the stories, i.e. invention of the car, airplane, electricity to all homes, indoor plumbing, great depression. I could go on and on. She ate chocolate every day and ate bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning. She was a real pistol.


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