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Monday, May 28, 2012

Thousands of Islamists Reportedly Shout at the ‘Ape’ Obama in Tunisia: ‘Obama, Obama, We Are All Osama’

The Middle East Media Research Institute is publicizing video of thousands of Tunisian Salafis (hardline Islamists) rallying beneath the flag of al-Qaeda and shouting in unison, “Obama!  Obama!  We are all Osama!”

“Let us all cry ‘Allah Akbar’ together!” a speaker cries to the roaring crowd, “so that Obama the ape can hear us!  All together now!”

As the crowd obliges, the speaker adds, “So that America can hear us!“ before everyone begins to chant ”We are coming!  We are coming!”



  1. What do you expect. Liberal Democrats put a Muslim in the White House, and will again.

  2. Well isn't Obama Osama's cousin? They are just chanting they are going to pick up their relative after he looses the election is all. Geez

  3. Ano 2:06pm

    Except he's not a Muslim.

  4. Even Obama's Muslims kin folk are turning against him....

  5. 458-Check out his history in Indonesia. He didn't "become" a Christian until he was in his 20s.

  6. I told you it's a culture thing.

  7. Except he's not a Muslim.

    May 28, 2012 4:58 PM

    And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summer time

  8. more reasons why all islam and its people need to be eradicated. idc what anyone says. true evil.and to say so america can hear and hear we come????? slobbish pigs. and to say obamas not muslim,,,,,only so he could take office and for his political agenda. disgusting.smh

  9. 4:58 - do your homework. According to muslim culture and sharia law if you are born and raised a muslim you are ALWAYS considered a muslim.

    That being said as Christians we are directed by God to recognize those who have converted and believe in Christ our Savior.

    Bottom line - it doesn't matter how he identifies himself he is considered a muslim.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Ano 2:06pm

    Except he's not a Muslim.

    May 28, 2012 4:58 PM

    Of course one of the Kool Aid drinkers will defend their messiah.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    458-Check out his history in Indonesia. He didn't "become" a Christian until he was in his 20s.

    May 28, 2012 7:43 PM

    How come no one else knows his "history," but you claim to know it??

    Please cite the source that confirms his Christianity?

  12. 4:58 Well then what is he?

  13. 1023-His history is widely available. Start by checking out his own biographies. Early in his political career he was quite open about his history.

  14. Funny how you numbnuts are just as clueless as those screamers in Tunisia, except you have thr Internet to express yourself.

  15. lol @ 716. Right on.

    Whats funny is that folks like 905 ("you are born and raised a muslim you are ALWAYS considered a muslim") give full support and welcome as a "christian brother" Youcef Nadarkhani, the Iranian facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity. Whatever narrative conveniently fits into their ideology.

    And 7:23, something tells me quite a few of you up here thumpin bibles were a long way from the Lord's path when you were in your 20's. lol

  16. Anon: 9:05pm

    "Bottom line - it doesn't matter how he identifies himself he is considered a muslim."

    Even if what you say is true, once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior then it doesn't matter what you once were. But please don't forget that Obama has never identified himself as a Muslim - always a Christian.

    It is a bunch of people who refuse to believe him and don't know him who always try to state the otherwise.

    And they are the ones who claim they are the Christians. Funny how that works.

  17. ahhhhhh, children, children. I never said he was either muslim or christian. What I said and you failed to see is that muslims believe he was born and raised a muslim therefore will always be one.

    Christians believe that if you convert from whatever religion then you are recognized as a religion.

    Obama is a man of many secrets so who the hell really knows what he is?

    Grow up people.

  18. Anon: 8:20pm

    Of course that's not what you actually said. But okay.

    You are however still wrong.

  19. After all this time, I can not believe that people living in America still believe in Obama, how freakin stupid can you really be to think this man is worth anything. Its not a black or white thing anymore, its a morality issue.

    Obama is a liar, a piece of trash... He should have been impeached and sentenced. Nixon did nothing compaired to this guy, but because of the NBPP and ACLU and all the other Cool-Aid drinking Acorn nuts, we let him get away with it to avoid a race war.

    Come one, really...

    If you voted for Obama to prove you were not racist, now vote to prove your not STUPID to get rid of him

  20. In Islam the child follows the fathers faith. That is why muslim women are not allowed to marry nonmuslims men. The man can marry a nonmuslim women so he can convert her. Muslims believe everyone is born a Muslim. The quran states that if they leave Islam there is punishment. However the quran also states that they can lie if it will benefit their religion.

  21. Who cares if he is a Muslim or a Christian or a Buddhist?

  22. 12:27 You should care!

  23. Anon 9:36 AM

    Believe in Obama? What is he a religion now?

    And the ole impeach him garbage is also very silly too. What exactly can you charge him with r=that can get him impeached. That's right nothing. If it could have happened it would have happened.

    I dont' loke his policies wah, wah, wah. That's not an impeachable offense. It is the product of winning (or losing) an election.

  24. Anonymous said...

    1023-His history is widely available. Start by checking out his own biographies. Early in his political career he was quite open about his history.
    May 29, 2012 12:09 AM

    Cite your sources!! You are the one who made the comment so prove what you say has a reference.

    Early he was quite open about his history?? That is a dumb comment especially considering the Birth Certificate(yes I said it) and the transcripts.


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