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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Support The Bay

Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 16 and join Chesapeake Bay supporters far and wide for the 1st Annual 5K for the Bay. Starting at 8:30 am at breathtaking Quiet Waters Park, participants will enjoy an exceptional 3.1 mile run/walk along the South River in one of Annapolis' most beautiful parks. Registration is only $30 (kids under 10 are free and leased pets are welcome) and registrants will receive a t-shirt, water bottle, and other goodies! You can register today and support a cause we care deeply about--restoring our beloved Chesapeake Bay.


  1. Just how is this supposed to benefit the bay? Any money raised will go to a lobbying group to pay salaries, advertising or fund raising expenses. Not one cent will be spent on actual clean up.

  2. You got that right 11:40! Anyway there should be plenty of money to save the bay from the sale of the car tags. Oh I forgot--- seems I heard somewhere that fund was raided also.

  3. This is another State program. Fourteen of the board members are appointed by O'Malley, two are from the legislature and one each from DNR, MDE and MDA. Not only does the State of Maryland tax us for this crap, now they want us to contribute more out of the goodness of our hearts!

  4. Thanks for filling us in 12:20. Probably another one of these state programs with appointed board members where they hold their "meetings" at places like the Hyatt for 2 or 3 days at a stretch. I get it.

  5. lmao, dnr mde get enough money from me already, it's called taxes, now they want donations too? roflmao!

  6. Anon 12:20, they not only tax us for all this crap, they now tax us to take a crap, then double it, now $60.00. (aka: Bay Restoration Fee) What a load of crap.

  7. every household pays that restoration fee. hope their walk/run is a big flop.


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