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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Statement From Governor Martin O’Malley On APRIL Jobs Report

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s release of preliminary employment data for the month of April:

“This was a disappointing month of job creation in what remains the best quarter of private sector job growth since 1999, and our second best quarter since BLS started measuring in 1990. Maryland's businesses are in the midst of their best start of the year for new job creation in over a decade, creating 15,700 since January.

"Maryland has now recovered 74 percent of the jobs lost during the Bush recession (compared to 42 percent for the nation overall). On balance we have seen private sector job growth in eight of the last 12 months with an average monthly gain of 3,167 jobs. As our workforce continues to grow, our unemployment rate increased slightly to 6.7 percent, but stands nearly 20 percent below the national average."

"The most important job we create is the next one. With a steady reduction in new unemployment claims and steadily declining numbers of families needing temporary assistance, we're hopeful that the positive trends we've seen in job creation over the last 12 months will continue. But there is still more work to be done. Maryland continues to recover stronger than most states because of the choices we make together to create jobs and invest in innovation."


  1. Maryland is a great state to live in! To all you guys who say they want to leave. See ya, you get what you pay for.

  2. It was not the Bush recession - it was the Frank/Dodd/Waters recession. Bush issued warnings time and time again about Freddy Mac & Fannie Mae. But no that lispy talking Barney Frank said to Bill O'Reilly;

    'But Bill . . .why are you yelling . . . I did not know that things were that bad . . . I had no idea these agencies were in bad shape'

    O'Malley had better quit distorting the truth and give some of our hard earned tax monies back to us in rebates - and I mean soon.

  3. If there are so many jobs and things are so good then why the tax hike??

    Cuz it's not true - that's why. Owe'Malley is a slug, crimial, liar.

  4. Not only did Bush giving warnings but so did Sen McCain. As a matter of fact they both called for reform of Fannie and Freddie. They were able to see the handwriting on the wall and that the bubble was going to burst. The democratic controlled congress didn't want to hear anything about it and refused. This was back in 2005.
    It was the start of this recession. Those that blame Bush are clueless as he was one of the few with the foresight to see it coming as well as attempting to stop it but was obstructed the whole way by the dems who thought if they ignored it it would go away.

  5. That's the thing with democrats. They never take responsibility. Over and over they blame Bush never once even acknowledging the fact they controlled both houses of Congress.

    And another despicable point with them is that they refuse to admit the KKK was started by the democrats in the south.

    But it's become something more than stupid - it's become downright dangerous.

  6. Carefully worded, the "Bush Recession" only lasted 6 months and ended when Obama took over Jan 20, 2009. So not many jobs were lost in those 6 months and we have 70% of those back, however, millions of jobs were lost after Jan 20, 2009 and we have yet to see those jobs come back at all.
    It's just how he spins it is all. A play on words makes every day a shiny one in failureland.


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