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Friday, May 25, 2012

‘Stand Your Ground’ Backed in Florida, Poll Shows

Despite increased scrutiny of Florida’s gun laws following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a majority of the state’s voters support the state’s Stand Your Ground law.

Indeed, 56 percent of the registered voters in Florida support the law, compared with 35 percent who oppose it, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.

The polling showed a notable racial divide: White voters supported the controversial law 61 percent to 31 percent; while Hispanic voters supported it 53 percent to 36 percent. Black voters are opposed, 56 percent to 30 percent.


  1. Well, DUH, the perps aren't gonna want their victims to be armed and able! SHEESH!

  2. One incident should not dictate the law is bad.

  3. Good point 8:42 PM!!

  4. you guys who support law abiding citizens carrying a concealed weapon for self defense should follow "Big City Cops" on facebook. They support concealed carry for ALL law abiding citizens - WITH or WITHOUT PERMISSION! The techonologly exists for most officers to check the status of a handgun and the criminal history of citizens either right on the scene or very quickly via radio. The discretion to arrest or not arrest is in the hands of the officer. More and more officers are recognizing that it's the spirit of the law and not the letter of the law that is important to enforce. They are hoping to get more officers on the same page. Think about this, officers......if your wife, daughter, mother, or son were walking away from an ATM and a thug tried to escort them into a dark alley to rob them, knowing that the odds are strong that they would be shot if they could identify the suspect......would you rather them have a concealed firearm and the skill to use it - or a cell from to call police? Why would any lawmaker intend to strip the good law abiding citizen of the right to defend themselves? Can you really be everywhere to defend everyone? Soul searching time.

  5. Travonn Martin is responsible for his own death.

  6. While a tradgety, the law has merit and shouldn't be judged on one case.


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