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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Salisbury Blogger Runs For Mayor

GO HERE to see and listen to my WGMD Radio Interview.


  1. There was not much of your interview available there, maybe a problem with the GMD servers?

  2. I noticed someone posted a link to the "victims" site on there.
    Oh my--- poor little "victims" weren't getting the attention they crave so they started that pathetic site. I guess since most haven't amounted too much of anything, labeling themselves "victims" makes them feel better....poor poor little "victims."

  3. NOW if we can get Rick Pollit out will the current mayor, we will be set...

  4. Interested on your plans for the whole city, not just Downtown Plaza.

  5. You will have my vote Joe. I am so tired of the way Salisbury is being run - enough of pretty Ireton!

  6. If you meet residency requirements then I say, "Go for it." It's better to try to do something than sit on your butt and complain like most people in Salisbury do.

  7. I, too, am interested in your plans for the city, but first I'll need to see your Birth Certificate. Hopefully, you'll get a good laugh out of this!

  8. People used to say "Put up or shut up." Well, Joe you are standing up. I frequently don't agree with you but I can respect you for taking a stand.
    Good Luck!

  9. I see the Peanut Gallery is out in full force on WGMD. That's okay though. That same Peanut Gallery is solely responsible for the victory of a few candidates in Worcester. People looked into the fools like Jonathan Tayor who were endorsing the other candidates and voted the other way. I heard this time and time again. I even heard people saying they hid from their campaign workers because they felt they were the same mean spirited people who were leaving uncivilized comments.
    Any candidate who allows JT (a legend in his own mind) to endorse them is committing political suicide because both he and his blog are a joke and smart people do not take him seriously and are offended by him. He associates with that other blog that allows vulgarity of the worst kind and he's proud of it by allowing them to link to his site.
    He's got alot of nerve talking about the McGuires while he condones such vulgarity and perventedness himself.

  10. I don't agree with everything you print but at least you're willing to put your money where your mouth is.

  11. JT's blog didn't help Muir Bota, one iota! I am a Libertarian
    , however his ties to JT just turned my stomach.

  12. That's because JT's style of campaigning (if that's what you call it) is distasteful and offensive to 99% of the people. Those candidates end up looking desparate and miserable inadequate when all they have left is him to endorse them.


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