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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Safeway's New 'Easy Scoop' Ice Cream Easier To Scoop Because There's Less Of It

Safeway's Lucerne house brand ice creams have been repackaged, and now come in a round container branded the "Easy-Scoop Package." That's a nice redesign, and round containers are easier to scoop from. Only, as reader Ryan points out, maybe the ice cream is easier to scoop now because there's now a half-quart less of it.

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  1. This is happening all over. With taxes, fees, and over regulations the consumer is paying the price. People need to understand the meaning of 'hidden taxes'.

    Anyone's paycheck going up? Doubt it.

  2. Yes, this is happening with alot of things-the quanity gets less and the price stays the same.
    For instance check bacon-it's never a pound anymore unless it's Kirby and Holloway's then you get a pound and a half for around $5.00 at Save A Lot stores. It's the only place I've seen it sold.

  3. Mfg' ers think we're stupid & don't notice. I shop for the real thing and botcott the most obvious. Tuna fish, on sale for a bock a can will net you about 3 ounces of meat once you drain it...so I do without.

  4. You noticed that with cans of tuna also 8:08? Yeah after you drain it there's nothing left!

  5. I first noticed this practice with alcoholic products.Pints were no longer pints & almost every measurement had been reduced.


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