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Monday, May 07, 2012

Romney's Wealth

It just occurred to me... With all the noise the media is making about Romney's wealth, I don't recall such bluster and hand-wringing over the Kennedy fortune. Or, for that matter, John Kerry. Or the fact that John Kerry gave virtually nothing to charity while Romney gave something on the order of $4 million...in addition to his entire inheritance from his father.

Oh. Wait. I just remembered. Romney is Republican.
Kerry and the Kennedys are Democrats.
Also, Romney worked for his money.
Kennedy inherited his.
And Kerry married his.

Never mind. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.
If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed." ...Mark Twain


  1. Dear revisionist,

    The Kennedys' wealth was very well-known and reported on. And the media constantly poked fun at Kerry's wealth including the wind surfing ad. But nice try cherry picking.

  2. What so bad about Romney's money.I feel if you had the know how to earn that kind of money you would.

  3. Romney's money went only to the Mormon church, no other charities.

  4. 10:45 I know that when you donate money to churches they tend to use the money to help the community, I guess the Mormon church is different?

  5. I'm old enough to remember when very sucessful people were looked up to. In our wannabe socialist time, making a fortune is looked down on. I think it's what you do after you make the money thats important.

  6. You realize that Romney's fortune was earned by his father and grandfater before him. While he was successful at Bain Capital and did make money, he's hardly a "self-made man."

    Romney was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was born with connections, privelege, and a legacy that opened doors for him. He didn't haul himself out of the poor side of the tracks by his bootstraps.

  7. 4:52, folks like 2:53 don't like facts. And they don't seem to understand that its mighty hard for someone who worked their way up from the bottom to become a millionaire with just enough public assistance to help get over the education barriers that often impede those on the lower rung (ie the Obamas) to try to give kudos to someone who is successfull after already starting out on top.


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