Couples retiring this year can expect their medical bills throughout
retirement to cost 4 percent more than those who retired a year ago,
according to an annual projection released Wednesday by Fidelity
The estimated $240,000 that a newly retired couple will need to cover
health care expenses reflects the typical pattern of projected annual
increases. The Boston-based company cut the estimate for the first time
last year, citing President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
Medicare changes resulting from that plan are expected to gradually
reduce many seniors' out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs.
But Fidelity says overall health care cost trends are on the rise
again, so it's raising its cost estimate from last year's $230,000
Retired couples wont need any money for health care Obama will load them with pain killers and push them over a cliff Ha enjoy the ride you unproductive old people part of the new and improved Obama Care