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Sunday, May 06, 2012

Rare White Buffalo Sacred to Some in Native American Community Killed and Skinned

The Hunt County Sheriff's Department is among several agencies investigating the gruesome death of a rare white buffalo, born nearly a year ago on a ranch near Greenville, Texas.

Lakota Buffalo Ranch owner Arby Little Soldier said he and his wife returned from out of town to find the calf, considered sacred by some in the Native American community, killed and skinned. The next day its mother was also found dead.

The non-albino white buffalo was named Lightning Medicine Cloud in a special ceremony last summer. The chance of a white buffalo birth is said to be 1 in 10 million.

"My people – my brothers, my sisters – are hurt for what has happened here at this ranch," Little Soldier said. "You don't think things like this are going to happen to such a sacred animal, a sacred family."


  1. But it's okay for them to kill the bald eagle.

  2. A wise elder once said:

    "Indian man, hunt, build and fish, women plant, grow, cook and tend to children, only white man could ruin a system like that."

  3. The eagle may be an endangered species but it's not 1 in 10 million rare. Tweak your priorities.

  4. Just as rare as a redneck with a full set of teeth. Pale face took their land and made both the buffalo and the eagle endangered. They are entitled to take a few eagles for religious purposes. BTW, some hillbilly killed two eagles in DE by using poison to kill foxes.

  5. The white man kicked their butts and took the land it is now ours get over it! Don't justify the killing of an eagle and condemn the killing of a buffalo in the same sentence I think you are tweaking all together crack head.

  6. The previous post is a prime example of a genuine lack of intelligence and inbreeding that is so prevalent on the eastern shore. Gawd dang this be our land now...huh huh Bubba gets me another natural lite from the trailer before my sister-wife drinks'em all. LOL

  7. 6:44 PM

    Yeah, maybe he tweaked a little too hard.

  8. If you knew the history Great Sioux Nation you would understand the grief of it's people by this senseless killing. This is nothing less than a hate crime.

  9. This is a senseless killing. What is wrong with you people?!?!

  10. 6:44 is prime example of the weak liberals that would rather give their freedom away than fight to keep them...Whimps.

  11. My ? exactly----"What is wrong with you?!"
    It's a Disgusting hate crime----& you think it's OK?
    Oh, my God the older I get the more this Country loses its values & morals.
    Thank God I won't be around---if this world is still here anyway---to see what's happening!!

  12. The UN has decided that the US must give the American Indian his land back, People like 6:44 would be dumb enough to go along with it. The strong over takes the weak this is how nature intended us to live to ensure the survival of the species.


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