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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Race Relations

From the desk of Mary Ashanti, President
Wicomico County NAACP Branch #7028


We believe that systemic racism still exist in America (this includes Wicomico County County). We believe that systemic racism is so ingrained that some members of every ethnic group buy into it,even some African Americans.

The purpose of this initiative is to get all segments of society addressing this issue and working toward tearing the wall of systemic racism down. We have heard many people say that we are living in a post racial time, because this nation elected an African American as president.

Reportedly, President Obama has received more death threat than all the other presidents combined (go to www.splcenter.org, Southern Poverty Law Center). Does this sound like post racial times?

Therefore we are asking the good people of Wicomico County to stand together against systemic racism.

Please read the attached article,"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" by Peggy McIntosh. We feelthis article can be a starting point for our dialogue on race relations in America and in particularly Wicomico County.

Since we want to put you at ease, let me start by saying that you are NOT receiving this article because we thinkyou are a racist. We are sending you this communication item for the following reasons because:

1. Your position (public servant, educator, politician,business leader, religious leader,law enforcement,etc.) provides you the opportunity to have a great impact over a diverse population of people.

2. You are in a position to affect positive change in your work environment and Wicomico County.

Next, once you read this article, we hope that you will do the following:
1. Assess yourself and deal with your beliefs.

2. Address this issue in your setting and start an open dialogue with management level people first.

3. Notify us if you are willing to participate in a community dialogue (not a media event).

Lastly, this communication is being sent to a diverse population because it will take everyone working together (without blaming others) to promote a spirit of love and respect for ALL human kind.

Mary Ashanti
Wicomico County NAACP
P.O. Box 1047
Salisbury, MD 21802
Phone: 410-543-4187

GO HERE to view.


  1. Sorry but Whites are no longer going to be shamed into feeling guilty for the plight of blacks in this country Mary. The Democrat Party has been far more destructive to your race than white slave owners ever were. White people have been pretty darn productive and valuable to the world and have a reason to be proud of THEIR race too.

  2. she acts like the african americans are being attacked. its ridiculous.

    i want to ask her, "Is it racist when an african allows his friends to call him the 'n-word' but then doesnt allow white people to say it?" YES THATS RACIST. stupid woman. all people are hated for their race!

  3. Is that letter verbatim, including no space between words and spelling errors? How incompetent that makes her look. What a shame.

  4. Mary Ashanti, we do not need a lecture. Your head ought to be hanging in shame as a result of the complete failure of the NAACP. African American commuinties are in shambles starting with the illegitimate birth rate on up to prison population statistics.
    Get your own affairs in order before telling others what to do and how to think.
    The failure of the NAACP is what's "systemic."

  5. I read it, and it was quite enlightening. It enlightened me to the fact that Ms. Ashanti and her ilk prefer to wallow in the morass of self-pity and self loathing.
    Rather than blame others for their 'priveledge', perhaps the NAACP should concentrate within- in other words helping the folks whom they claim to represent.

  6. Thank you NAACP for making sure we as people are constantly reminded that whites and blacks are different and that we should never forget it.

    I'm not sure what President Obama has to do with this post but I feel like I should remind you that he is just as much a privileged white as he is a disadvantaged black.

  7. Without blaming others? There's a start. Although it's not exactly a widely held belief of colored people.

  8. I know you won't publish this and that's ok, but I certainly hope Mary Ashanti herself reads this over and over and over again.

  9. Is this letter for real? You've got to be kidding me. Race relations??? WTF - we have a black president for crying out loud.

    Whites are being discriminated against now. I believe so - should we get a movement going???

  10. How can anyone feel or care about what is going on. Blacks are killing Blacks. Blacks are disrespecting Blacks by their language, music, treatment of Black women, etc. Black America has no one to blame for their plight except themselves. Black America, respect yourself and maybe the rest of America will respect you. Stop blaming everyone else for the very problems you created and continue to enable with your lack of action.

  11. I told you before , two kinds of people , racist and liars.

  12. If you want to have a race conversation how about instead of dividing people up in the letter you send to invite them to the event? Thats like saying "I know you Americans do not like Muslims, and I know you Muslims do not like Americans but can we not just come together to discuss our problems." How about just saying "WE INVITE EVERYONE TO A RACE DISCUSSION FOR THE BETTERING OF OUR COMMUNITY AND THE WORLD."

  13. That is one of the poorest pieces of writing I've read. I think an English teacher somewhere is rolling over in her grave.

  14. NAACP has one too many letter C in it to be considered "diverse".

  15. Dear Mary,
    I do believe in the NAACP , meaning C= colored people.
    Not african americans , blacks or any other name you guys select.
    Colored people are so mixed up they can't identify who they are half the time.
    You keep changing your ID , that doesn't make you white.
    Be proud of who you are and try to earn a living , no one is entitled.I'm a racist and damned proud of it.

  16. In every city in th U.S. there are certain areas that a white person cannot walk or travel through.
    I cannot think of one city that would be guilty of this if you were a black.
    No more of this crap , justice is on the way.
    If this seems scarey , it is and will be. Omega is upon us!

  17. Ronald Reagan once said there are a lot of people making a lot of money telling other people how bad off they are.

  18. She's joking right? She's got to be kidding. We have a black baby killing himself while those who are supposed to be watching him are smoking crack! We have a black baby being scalded. These a just a few of the recent stories and all this nut is worried about is perceived racism!
    How about let's having a "community dialogue" on how Mary Ashanti never once came to those children's defense and blasted those parents for poor parenting.
    Mary Ashanti needs to get her priorities in order.
    Who cares if Obama receives death threats ? Those in law enforcement receive them contantly and rarely if ever are they acted out.
    What is being acted out is young black men killing each other. This is what she ought to be concerning herself with if she were sincere and not just writing smack to bring attention to herself and trying and make herself look important!

  19. Sorry Mary Ashanti,you lost me at "white privilege".You see,I do not know what that is.You,my dear,are the racist for assuming that all white people are "privileged".I have no "white guilt" because none of my ancestors owned slaves.I cannot believe you actually sent this to people.How insulting!When there are no white people left,who will you blame for black Americas problems????

  20. OMEGA????
    Did I see that right??
    That is the white secret code to action!!
    The time has come?? really?
    Uh oh.
    Time to stamp out racism on the shore.

  21. The NAACP represents institutional racism.

  22. First, she says you are not receiving this letter because you are a racist, then says read the article, "assess yourself and deal with your beliefs". Sounds like she IS calling you a racist. Just apologizing for the accusation. When 12% of the population stops being 70% of the prison population, 70% of the single parents, murderers of their own race by the thousands every year, the largest group of high school dropouts in the nation, the largest group of people in the justice system, the lowest scoring students in every category at every level, and the (as a percentage of the group) highest number of people on welfare, subsidized housing, medical care, child care, and energy assistance, and stops making music that glorigies murder, drug dealing and beating "bitches" up, well THEN, maybe you can cry "racism". WHITE people elected a black president. White people. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop blaming everyone but YOURSELF for all the ills of the black community. Stop thinking that if people would only GIVE you more money, food, housing, etc, then you could be the fine upstanding group you so badly want to be....it's this kind of whining and self-pity, along with misdirected and mistaken accustaions of "racists are holding us down" crap that actually engenders and promotes ridicle. Further, if that letter is accurately printed, she should be ashamed.

  23. "... we hope that you will do the following:
    1. Assess yourself and deal with your beliefs."

    I'd suggest Mary give that another shot, as her 1st attempt apparently produced this condescending letter.

    Deal with it.

  24. Mary,You need to STEP DOWN you have been just like the DEMOCRATS in one place too long.You have become stale and unwanted in your circles.

  25. The issues which lmclain brought up are what needs addressing. That's what is important but is totally ignored by these self proclaimed black leaders. That dysfunction falls on the shoulders of the Mary Ashanti's. They have been an utter failure to the African American community by ignoring the real (and most important) problems.

  26. The issues which lmclain brought up are what needs addressing. That's what is important but is totally ignored by these self proclaimed black leaders. That dysfunction falls on the shoulders of the Mary Ashanti's. They have been an utter failure to the African American community by ignoring the real (and most important) problems.

  27. It's a mute point HATE prevails in the same class of Americans both black and white and other. What America needs to wake up too is the unspoken CLASS relations that have nothing to do with race color or creed are perpetuated for the benefits of those outside the conflict. More Black White and Latino Americans now exist in the same socioeconomic class and compete for jobs and opportunity equally yet each feels they are entitled be it by majority minority or otherwise. The issue of assumed entitlement by race is what clouds the reality.

  28. Mary,

    How much do I have to pay before you'll go away? How much to buy away any guilt you think I should feel for something I didn't do?

    You think fairness is zero sum, right? That if someone is being treated "fairly", then someone else is not? Let me share with you that no one is treated fairly all the time.

    How much of my money, safety and freedom do I have to give up before you believe that all minorities, which we all are at some point, are being treated fairly?

    I'm tired of these demands that are not quantifiable like the war on drugs, the war on terror, the war of poverty, the war on racism or discrimination that have no achievable goal. There's never any expectation to win those wars, it's just a means to control people.

    I am responsible for my life and my life only. I wish I was free to behave as such and stop paying in to these wild goose chases. Leave me alone and tell all those people you think you're trying to protect to leave me alone too. I'm tired of paying for the irresponsible.

    Fet Up in Wicomico

  29. This is such hogwash!! Even the article that is a must read is hogwash! These so called white privileges that the author lists are also the same ones that African Americans have. The article is a complete useless piece of prose, also much outdated; 1988?? please! Grow up times have changed.

  30. I to am black and I is a shame to have Ashanti try and present herself as an Afro-american spokes person. I have many questions that I would like to confront and axe Mrs. Ashanti about the plight of the po black folk who gets up and tries to earn an honest days living. Why is it that every chance she gets she tries to impose her will by playing up the race card. Yes, I did vote for Obama, but this time I will not be tricked into believing his lie. Ashanti, it is high time to get off your kettle and start looking your ownself in the mirror.


    Honest Black American

  31. Mrs. Ashanti refers to a much larger problem. It's a tragedy that she doesn't really have a grasp of what that larger problem is.

    Love starts from within.

  32. mary...you lost my interest at the first paragraph.to say even some african americans? you african americans are the most racist there is.the naacp is an org. that uses the white mans head as a stepping stone for undeserving blacks . and as long as the naacp supports al sharpton,jessie jackson and the bpp than you your org and your people will remain to be a putrid boil in society today.whites owe blacks nothing,never have and never will.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is that letter verbatim, including no space between words and spelling errors? How incompetent that makes her look. What a shame.

    May 30, 2012 12:04 PM

    She is very incompetent. If you have ever heard her speak you would understand. She can barely construct a full sentence or speak English. Many whites and Democrats tolerate her because she represents the N. A. A. C. P., not the N,double A, CP.

    She is not very intelligent and she is an embarrassment to the human race.

  34. Ms. Mary,
    I hope you are reading these response. There are peolple of all ethnic group responding. We don't need you or thus organization in the area As a black female veteran, since 1975 the NAACP has done NOTHING for the black community or for any other ethnic group. Look at the drug infested community of the west side, NAACP and Ms. Ashanti. Look into the department of Correction incarceration rate of our young and old black men NAACP and Ms Adhanti. Look into our educational dropouts among our young black chilren, NAACP and Ms. Ashani. Look at the unemployment rate amongt the blacks in this community, NAACP and Ms. Ashant.
    And, where was the NAACP and Ms. Ashanti when black on black crime skyrocketed and our women began hating ob one another. Where were you all when we needed you guys the most. I personally called upon the help of the NAACP against C. Dykes, to no avail. Now, you call upon us to stand up against systemic racism. As far as I am concern, you and your organization are 51 years to late. This area is full of hate. And, you people won't changed a thing.

  35. 12:23 hits on the fundamental cause of racism today. They simply won't let it go. Most kids today don't care what color a person is....but they will as long as there are Mary Ashanti's, Jesse Jackson's, and Al Sharpton's to remind everyone that there are different classes of people based upon skin color. Let it the F*** go. Quit keeping racism alive!

  36. that was all fine when they were the minority but since they aren't the minority any more I want my share

  37. Anonymous said...

    She mentions SPLC, that's all I need to know, splc is a bunch of nutjob kooks, promoting more racism and division than anyone else.

    May 30, 2012 10:41 PM


  38. Very soon whites are going to be the minority...then what??

  39. anon 9:16- very well

  40. Mary made allegations against me years ago and proved to many when my name was 100% cleared that her motives were bigotry. That's right Mary tone it down or the bigotry and lies of your past will come back and haunt you before the whole world through Joe who'd love to hear my story about your racial hatred that fills your heart!

  41. Don't forget, there are genetic differences between Blacks and Whites that fully explain their inability to function peacefully in a civilization together. It is the only theory that fully explains every situation in the world where Blacks do worse than Whites. Their IQ's are lower and that leads to an inability to function at a White level of civilization. The guilt trip is then used to get the Whites to pay to attempt to drag the Blacks up to their level. It fails every time. Please focus on this and you'll see why we're in such a dire situation regarding race relations. You're fighting against Nature if you do this. You'll always lose.

  42. @ 10:00pm

    They cant let it go. If they do, they loose their soap box and their claim to fame.

    There will never be peace amoungst the various races and religions as long as people like Jesse Jackson and al Sharpton are allowed to keep stoking the fire. Period.

  43. I still want to know what an African American is????? you are either an American or you are not. If your African then go home.

  44. The term "African-American" is debatable, but an excellent descriptive of the Negro race as it is an admission and a constant reminder that where you find African-Americans in our country you will also see that they have brought a little (or a lot - Detroit e.g.) of Africa to our shores. And it's not the Lion King; it's destruction, poverty, violence, rape, etc etc. So yes, AFRICAN- Americans. They don't deserve -as a race - to simply be Americans.

    PS. If you are corrected by an AA as to the usage of that term, ask them which COUNTRY in Africa they are from? Watch brains short circuit.

  45. as in leave em to be independent!!


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