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Saturday, May 26, 2012

A question for Law Enforcement Officers

First, you guys who support law abiding citizens carrying a concealed weapon for self defense should follow "Big City Cops" on facebook. They support concealed carry for ALL law abiding citizens - WITH or WITHOUT PERMISSION! The techonologly exists for most officers to check the status of a handgun and the criminal history of citizens either right on the scene or very quickly via radio. The discretion to arrest or not arrest is in the hands of the officer. More and more officers are recognizing that it's the spirit of the law and not the letter of the law that is important to enforce. They are hoping to get more officers on the same page. Think about this, officers......if your wife, daughter, mother, or son were walking away from an ATM and a thug tried to escort them into a dark alley to rob them, knowing that the odds are strong that they would be shot if they could identify the suspect......would you rather them have a concealed firearm and the skill to use it - or a cell phone to call police? Why would any lawmaker intend to strip the good law abiding citizen of the right to defend themselves? Can you really be everywhere to defend everyone? Soul searching time. Would YOU arrest a law abiding citizen for carrying a concealed firearm for personal protection without a concealed carry permit?


  1. I'am not a cop,but I do support concealed carry for all law abiding citizens. Law or no law I will always protect myself, family, and friends. Self defence is not against the law.

  2. The phrase" Bank Run" is the most googled right now!This is very important.

  3. Yes 12:06. A bit off topic but it appears that a bank run is underway in the Eurozone. Specifically Greece, Spain, and Portugal. The effects are expected to spread to Italy which will have a devastation affect on the Euro as a whole and subsequently the economy of the U.S. since we are so heavily invested in the euro. The first week of June will be telling. If it were my money I would be removing it from the banks and stuffing the mattresses. At least for now.

  4. You know time has an affect on the market as well. As the holiday weekend unfolds and people (sheeple) spend money in what they have been told is an economy on the mend, the sentiment will increase that we are doing better. Those who follow the truth will watch Europe closely and be prepared to protect their money quickly when things start to go south here. The weekend will give people false hope and time to convince themselves that everything is going to get better. This will cost them. Sheep to slaughter. And the big money people (bankers and politicians) will be the big winners taking EVERYTHING out of the market when they go. Money doesn't evaporate from the market. if someone loses, someone else gains. Open your eyes.

  5. their is so many reason we should be able to carry, 31 states in the USA allow to carry but in Maryland slim to no chance and the permit fee is outrageous. first of all if a thug thinks you maybe carrying they may think twice. next real estate agents having open houses, especially across the bay,thugs are showing up at the end of the open house period and either robbing things from the house or raping and robbing the agent. Store owners closing up at night, Landlords collecting rent, even if you put an ad in the paper to sell a car or something else, thugs are showing up to case your home and outside property. They will be back. Crime is getting worse and they will not admit it. The thugs are carrying and the jails are full. PBJ's are far to common these days and does not count as a crime committed.

  6. I carry , sad on the person who tries me or my family.

  7. As a retired Officer I feel now as I did while I was in Uniform.IF a citizen has no criminal record,has been trained in the use of firearms,has been educated as to the legal use of the firearm (when he/she knows when they can use it,the Permit for Concealed Carry should be granted without question.As you all know Maryland is an extremely left wing State the powers that be DO NOT like firearms much less carrying one and the laws governing firearms are made extremely complicated and frustrating for the express purpose to exaspirate law abiding citizens from the purchase or possession of same.

  8. Hell yes, the great majority of cops would not only arrest you, but call for back up so there would be a damn circus of cop cars and investigators tearing your car apart and then applying for a search warrant to search you home, too. You'd have to post bail, go to court and probably either pay a huge fine or do some time. And lose your gun, too. Which some cop would later get for himself. Nothing like a felony arrest or two to advance your career. I carry my .357 anyway. Thats how I roll....come and get some...

  9. Yes, carrying without a permit would get you arrested. It's not the mentally capable, law abiding citizens that we worry about. Without some system of control or regulations limiting certain persons from carrying then everyone will be armed including the mentally ill, convicted drug dealers, rapists and child molesters. This would lead us back to the streets of the wild wild west, where shootings or shootouts were the way to solve petty disputes. Without laws or some type of government control then you would have anarachy. Seventy five percent or more of the citizens in this great country are not prepared or capable of defending themselves, thus you have government appointed peace keepers, ie; law enforcment officers.

    So yes as the laws in Maryland & Delaware are written now you would be arrested. Should the process of being able to get a permit to carry a concealed firearm be easier Yes. Those few people out there that are screaming about their right to carry are not enough to influence their elected leaders. If there were then obviously the laws would be changed.

  10. i think law abiding citizens should be able to defend them selves. remember law enforcement officers carry guns to protect them not everyone else.

  11. I carry and don't need a permit. I carry a copy of the 2nd amendment ,of the Constitution of the United States of America. Nuff said!

  12. Gun laws only affect those that obey them. Ask any MD Trooper. Half of the guns seized on traffic stops are legal and legitimate, but Maryland does not recognize other state's carry permit laws.

  13. 3:13 you are patently wrong about the wild west. In no instance where states have recognized the right to carry a concealed weapon - including New Mexico who recently abolished ALL regulations relating to carrying loaded weapons (no permits needed for anything) have experienced anything that you mentioned. The fact is that many officers are on a seek and destroy mission. The letter of the law is what they enforce. Things are changing. More police officers are waking up. Remember your oath to uphold the constitution.

  14. 3:13 is a cop with the "nobody can handle a weapon except us and we protect you and arrest you if you get out of line (as in thinking you actually have ANY rights we don't SAY you have"). Translation---we (cops) need to empy a whole clip of 16 rounds in order to hit someone (not necessarily a criminal) with two or three rounds. Millions of Americans (taxpaying, law-abiding, and reasonable ) grew up shooting rifles, shotguns, and handguns. We don't need your "training" or your "control", your "classes" your myriad "regulations" designed to frustrate and demoralize, and MOST importantly, your "permission". Plus, we need ONE round to end a problem. I can tell you --- for every one citizen you "allow" to carry, there are TEN packing heat and not giving a damn what a cop thinks. Further, you call yourself "peacekeepers"? LOL! YOU (cops) kill more civilians every year than some diseases. YOU need more training, especially in hitting a target. And stop killing citizens with 85 rounds from M-16's and 9mm's. Hint--- after 30 rounds into a body that is prone and not breathing, its a good bet that the next 40-60 rounds are unnecessary. As far as regulations, there are PLENTY of them, including excluding (for LIFE!) the right to even POSSESS a weapon for ---get this-- a MISDEMEANOR conviction that has NOTHING to do with a violent crime. NOTHING. But, even regular citizens get such a run around from holier-than-thou cops, its a waste of time. Also, do you REALLY believe that our representatives act upon the wishes of their constituents? REALLY? You KNOW they don't, so it's extrememly mendacious to suggest that if we merely petitioned the "leaders", they would gladly give us our rights. Lastly, 75% (where did you get that figure? The book of made up bullshit?) of people aren't prepared (wrong) or capable (really wrong) of defending themselves, but YOU are? You show up AFTER people get killed, AFTER the home invasion, AFTER the car jacking, AFTER the rape, then proudly and loudly tell us you "protect us"? Cops are the ONLY ones who believe THAT propaganda. I believe in the 6 hollow point rounds in my .357. And I've NEVER pulled it out or threatened anyone with it. And I've carried it EVERYWHERE for 25 years. But it would be a bad mistake to think I wouldn't use it to protect me or my family. Waiting for YOU to come to my aid would likely cost me my life.

    1. Imclain, this quote was tailored for people like you:

      "Never argue with idiots. They will only bing you down to their level And beat you with experience" -Greg King

  15. Ummm... 3:13, you may want to re- read what you wrote, because the list of errants you suggest ALREADY HAVE GUNS AND ARE CARRYING THEM IN THE STORE THAT YOU ARE SHOPPING IN! Sorry for the all caps to burst the bubble you seem to see at the grocery store, but facts are facts. Lucki;y for you. I am also carrying a firearm to defend you if need be.

  16. Nowhere in the 2nd amendment does it exclude anyone from owning a firearm.

    The gun acts of 1938 and 1968 made it illegal for certain people to own firearms.

    The federal government has tried to undo and circumvent the 2nd amendment before the ink was dry on the bill of rights.

    Gangsters and the assassination of JFK were the reasons behind these acts.

    Banning someone from owning anything has never stopped them from acquiring it if they truly wanted it.

    I think the bans actually got more cops killed than it stopped anyone from owning a firearm.

    But, we are a nation of laws, and lawbreakers.

  17. cops! aren't they the guys who stand out on rt 50 and generate revenue for the state?

  18. 7:09 ur right! lol.. cops are no more than gov puppets! we have a 4 foot nothen state cop that lives here in parsonsburg..how is he goin to protect someone? what a joke!

  19. if i were a cop, i would say it is not my job to judge. its my job to arrest based on the letter of the law, as you put it. the judge and jury will have to hash out the details.
    i think the same should be done with speeding. ticket everyone, no warnings (especially since i dont have boobs!).
    it takes away from selective arrests.

  20. every 3 day weekend the state boys put up a cherry picker on rt 50 down by parsonsburg and write tickets like its going out of style. Meanwhile citizens are being beaten and robbed. I feel really safe! NOT!

  21. Imclain... God Bless You!! Thank you for already saying what was on my mind. AS for Anon. 3:13, if you really are a LEO then you should be ashamed of yourself for "stealing" our tax dollars for your paycheck. YOU are the person that causes people to bad-mouth the police. When people get frustrated over the police "flying" 20+ mph's over the speed limit to go pick their kids up at school, or hide behind their badges, or unnecessarily intimidate civilians, or act like they are above the law, they are referring to officers like YOU!!! It is such a shame too because I know several LEO's from several depts. and a majority of the officers take pride in their job and they do it properly. It's this majority that I tip my hat off to. I just pray that one day you will realize this, hopefully sooner than later.

  22. I should be able to have my gun anywhere I want and I should be able to stand my ground against any thug (of any color) who wants to rob or hurt me. And, the judge and jury should uphold my right to defend myself and my property. Or, at least before NObama steals it and gives it to the poor.

  23. 3:42 it should never even get to a judge and jury.


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