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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Potential Campaign Ad


  1. Replace Obama with any GOP politician and Soros with Limbaugh. You guys beginning to see the problem here?

  2. What PACs or organizations like MoveOn, ColorofChange, TIDES, AmericaVotes, ad nauseum has Limbaugh financed?
    Apples vs. oranges.

  3. Rotten apples vs. a sunny Florida orange.

  4. Limbaugh et al. and the Soros's out there drive a rushing river of political "discourse" based largely of half-truths and hyperbole. You think it's just coicidence that pols. on both sides pick up and repeat those talking points. All the while those same pols. inact half-baked policies based on that crud and we are left wondering why our gov. is so ineffective. But we can't blame anyone but ourselves because we are the ones who get riled up over the crap being spread by these guys.

    If you think this problem is only a "libtard" thing or a "rethuglican" thing then YOU sir are apart of the problem.

  5. 8:31 Please tell us how Soros and Limbaugh are the same.

  6. 11:45, I just did at 9:21. The only difference is that Soros works more behind the scenes while the Limbaugh et al. collective uses a multi million dollar overt campaign

  7. 12:01 Rush tells the truth while your boy's lie /cheat and steal to gain their power.

  8. still laughing 12:04, have you ever even factchecked the crud spewing from dude's mouth. Ladies and gentlemen, 12:04 = exhibit A

  9. Right on 12:04!But you'll not get that through a liberals head.Its like a horse with blinders.


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