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Monday, May 21, 2012

Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards: Romney Puts Women’s Lives at Risk

A Romney presidency would decimate health care for 5 million poor and uninsured people a year, writes Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. 

If you want to see what women’s health care in America will be like if Mitt Romney becomes president, just look at Texas and Arizona.

 Both states are in the news these past few weeks for trying to prevent women from getting health care at Planned Parenthood. It’s wrong, and it will have devastating consequences for women for years to come—and Mitt Romney wants to do it in all 50 states.

Romney said in November that he wants to eliminate the nation’s family-planning program, which was signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1970 and provides essential preventive health services to more than 5 million people a year, the vast majority of whom are poor and uninsured.



  1. Deal with it you entitlement sucking pigs.

  2. this article is such a joke. big puff piece for planned barrenhood. this is the agency that has killed more babies than you can imagine and our tax dollars pay for it.

  3. They will hold the sign but won't show their face,what's that tell ya.Why do they call it womens health care instead of abortion?

  4. Why should we, the taxpayers, pay for contraception for those receiving a government handout?? If you don't want a child then you need to abstain from activities that would create said child. If you get pregnant and don't want the child, no abortion, continue with the pregnancy and place the child for adoption. There are many couples that cannot get pregnant and would love to adopt a baby; these couples would be very grateful and truly appreciative of the opportunity to raise your child as their own.

  5. 7:13, you're a perfect advertisement for contraception.

  6. 7:13

    there are more babies in US social services than there are adults looking to adopt them, you idiot.

    Planned parenthood is great. Anyone can go into planned parenthood. Its great for peeople with no healthcare, they can go in and get cheap/affordable birth control. So youre saying, people should only have sex when they are trying for a child?
    That is so naive, ignorant, selfish and disingenuous. You know for a fact that you had sex when you were young for fun. You didnt do it because you wanted a child you did it because its a natural need for human beings. Get over yourself.

    It is not a baby until it can physically live outside of the mothers womb. That is and should be common sense.

    Who are you to say what another woman does to her body? Who are you to say whether or not she has to keep the fetus? You cannot have an abortion after 4/5 months, which I agree with. Children can live outside the womb past 5.5 months. The law is fine how it is, stop trying to shove your religious social issues down other peoples throats for crying out loud.

    If you dont like abortions, DONT HAVE ONE, when the opportunity approaches.


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