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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Church-led activists hoping to repeal Maryland’s same-sex marriage law plan to deliver the first batch of petitions ahead of schedule this week, and they say the number of signatures will far exceed the mark, Annie Linskey reports for the Sun.


  1. Isn't hate wonderful.

  2. Who said anything about hate? Stop trying to twist things around. That is hateful.

  3. Denying your fellow citizens their civil rights just because your backward butts have some kind of problem with equality? That sounds like hate to me.

    Why don't we go back to segregation while we're at it? Y'all cool with that? I bet the overwhelming majority of responses to that question from you CHRISTIANS would be yes answers. So I think it is a valid question. Isn't hate wonderful?

  4. Oh how it feels to be on the wrong side of history. Quite stupid right? Even the North Carolina governor admitted that the law would be repealed within 20 years. So why waste our tax dollars on something that will soon be irrelevant.

  5. Yep I hate people shoving GAY down my throat, get a clue.... I think the ruling should be your allowed to be gay, but cant adopt. No atificial semination then in a few years, you all would be GONE!

  6. Yes hate is wonderful it is the main motivator for liberals.

  7. Makes you feel good to look down on someone as being less of a person that you.

  8. there's nothing more hateful that a liberal who wants to put all their business up in your face.

  9. I am all for allowing everyone to be the best person they can, but if someone honestly believes that marriage is a sacred vow between a man, a woman, and God then that is their right. Just like it is your right to believe it is hate on their part.

  10. For this they can get signatures but redistricting no one cares. That is some messed up priorities.

  11. Its posts like these that make me realize how ignorant and backwards most of the locals around Salisbury really are.

    NO religion has any place in politics, I don't care how much you believe in your nice little made up fairy tail, your religion should have no sway or influence on peoples lives unless they choose to let it. Banning Gay marriage because someone incorrectly interpreted your little story book represents an attack on personal freedoms. Don't like Gay marriage? Then dont marry someone of the same sex.

  12. 4:13 You don't help your cause.

  13. 4:13 ....another intolerant angry atheist

  14. I think alot of people are signing this as sort of a protest kind of thing. Alot of ultra liberals that I know are ticked off between O'malley's selling out on environmental issues and his total lack of even the slightest concern over MD's economy and his sucking up to big business that they will sign just about anything that he is claiming as a victory.
    I'm surprised at the former omalley supporters who are saying this gay marriage thing was nothing more than a diversionary tactic.

  15. I will keep my religion out of politics and you keep your twisted ways out of my religion. A marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. If you want to have all the same benefits as a married couple then figure out your own name for it.

  16. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they hate you. If that were the case I guess your parents hate you....Im sure sometime in your life you did something they didn't agree with.

  17. @ 4:59

    As opposed to an intolerant angry christian? Plenty of them to go around.

  18. 2:35,you got that right!Also, I dont want my first grader learning about being gay.

  19. "Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they hate you."~~~~Exactly, 6:22.
    Being against something isn't because of hate, it's because of someone's firmly held beliefs. Being against gay marriage doesn't even mean one is homophobic either. It could be that simply one feels marriage should be between a man and a woman. I am by no one's stretch of the imagination either religious or homophobic, but I find the whole notion of same sex marriage to be.....well for lack of a better term....weird.

  20. I personally think marriage is a religious vow. I don't feel like you should have to get the government involved, it's none of their business. I don't think marriage should give people more rights than single people. We need to stop asking permission of the government to do anything and live like free people.

  21. 6:47 nope, just talking about little ole angry you

  22. 4:13 if you calling those who don't share you opinion about being gay names like ignorant and backwards, then you need to educate yourself.
    1) Men & women have been doing MARRiAGE for thousands years. It always involved 1 man and 1 or more women. Never it happened to be 2 of the same gender.
    2) When there were found 2 of same gender involved in sexual encounters, they were brought to court and punished, sometimes executed by burning on stake or stoned to death.
    3) Since we as civilized society evolved, we let gays and lesbians live their lives and express themselves freely, and give them the chance to get married in CIVIL UNION, as husband & husband, or as wife & wife.
    So, as you see we the straight people are very tolerant these days, not backwards or ignorant.

  23. @ 10:07

    Well that's sweet of you, maybe I wont be so angry now that I know you're thinking about me!


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