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Monday, May 14, 2012

Peaceful Rally To Overturn Pit-Bull Ruling

A rally is being organized by other animal advocates at the State House on Tuesday afternoon, May 15, 2012. They're asking that the Maryland General Assembly take action to supersede the pit-bull ruling during the Special Session. While MVFA is not organizing this rally, some of us will be there and we encourage you to join us. If you come, please keep in mind that this must be a peaceful rally with NO DOGS ALLOWED."

You can find all the details at:


  1. "If you come, please keep in mind that this must be a peaceful rally with NO DOGS ALLOWED."

    Well don't that just say it all?

  2. Pit Bulls are like cancer , find a cure and it will go away.
    Until then , treat them as the enemy.

  3. To: 10:31 cancer that exists is the ignorant people
    show me a bad pit and I will show you ignorance
    and the very comment you left tells me where you were when they handed out the common sense

  4. 10:31 give me a break. I guarantee both of you that have posted are some old codger who has never even had a pitbull nor interacted with them in public. You sit home in your comfy recliner and listen to the bs that the media feeds you.

  5. The reason for no dogs is the state has asked for this not because anyone would be in danger. It's ignorant owners that are the problem not pit bulls


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