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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Panthers Openly Consider 'The Bullet' over 'The Ballot'

The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot” but through “the bullet.”

In the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”



  1. He is a real dissapointment to everyone,

  2. "The bullet" would be the catalyst for the virtual extermination of the black population in ths USA. The Crips might be the tough guys in the ghetto dumps they proudly administer, but they wouldn't stand a chance in hell in a countrywide bloodbath. Too many rednecks would be arguing over too few targets. On the other hand, the ballot has been extremely good for them. A no brainer for the panthers. Pardon the pun.

  3. This sounds just like the talk of the Tea Party and 2nd Amendment advocates. Have we finally found an issue that will unite the Black Panthers and Delmarva Rednecks?

  4. Malik Zulu Shabazz is Mitt Romney's greatest asset right now.
    The United States desperately needs him to continue to fracture the black vote with his rhetoric.
    Who's kidding who? That war already started and the MSM is doing everything it can to keep it buried considering only one in ten B on W racially motivated hate crimes are reported.
    Simply amazing to see. Turbulent times ahead people.

  5. If they keep running their mouths, they may get what they have been asking for.

    I'm also pretty sure they will not like the outcome. Big difference when someone is shooting back versus shooting an unarmed person fellows.

    You are not scaring anyone with this drivel. Matter of fact, there are some loose cannons like pp who would look forward to a massacre that this would surely be.

    That would be one terrible can of worms you guys would open. But maybe this is the war the bible speaks of at the 'end of days'. Who knows.

    Black jerks such as these will be sadly mistaken if they think they would actually have a chance to win, even with Islamic allies.

    It would be a very sad and bloody day if there are that many like-minded under-educated people that would join in his suicidal fantasy.

  6. Agreed 9:12. They run around opening their big traps as if they really want this to happen. The fact that they think they'd win is a testament to their inferior intellect. (not based on their race-based on their belief that they could win such a race war) They are out gunned and out numbered.

  7. I promise you uneducated types, the inner city street gangs do not have "islamic allies"

  8. I promise you uneducated types, the inner city street gangs do not have "islamic allies"

    May 25, 2012 3:16 AM

    I don't know if they do or not as of yet, as I suspect you don't know either.

    There has been talk of them (bp) should be seeking alliance with radical islamics.

    Purely speculation at this point I am sure but was using that as a reference/example.

    Sorry if it went over your head or you didn't understand.

    It was used as a possible scenario regardless if it is a reality at present time.

  9. Go ahead! Make my day!

  10. Shabazz (born Paris Lewis) is a Muslim , and a lawyer.

  11. Good grief. But members of Occupy are being arrested as terrorists. hmmmm which one threatens the 1% more I wonder?

  12. 8:35 Like Obama is a lawyer?
    Yeah, thought so.


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