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Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama Stance May Affect Md. Marriage Referendum

President Barack Obama's announcement that he favors same-sex unions could help turn back a likely referendum challenging the gay marriage law approved in Maryland this year, the law's supporters said Wednesday.

But opponents organizing a petition drive to get the issue on the ballot said they remained confident that Marylanders would vote their conscience and reject gay marriage, regardless of their support for the president.

Gov. Martin O'Malley signed a law legalizing gay marriage in March. It's scheduled to take effect in January, but a successful referendum could wipe it off the books. Six states and the District of Columbia issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples; Washington state also passed a law this year that has yet to take effect.



  1. Not likely, This issue deserves to be brought to a vote by the citizens of MD.

  2. so why hasn't the local cardinal and bishop in washington dc and baltimore excommunicated omalley, biden, pelosi, kerry for psuhing agendas contray to church teaching?
    The pharisees are worried about being taxed and having to give up some of their riches!

  3. Actually, this should re-energize the petition drive again now that we're over the halfway mark! You all do know that 31 states (That would be more than half) have already made the call against gay marriage? When put to popular vote, this idea goes right down the toilet. Sign the petition and tell your friends to sign it as well. it's at mdpetitions.com

  4. Their riches as you call it feed the hungry among many other services it provides for people in need I would rather let the church keep it's donations tax free being they have already been taxed before they got it.


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