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Monday, May 07, 2012

Obama Launches Campaign in Empty Arena

Barack Obama launched his campaign in unspectacular fashion today at Ohio State University, the largest college in the crucial swing state.  A photo posted to twitter by Mitt Romney's campaign spokesman Ryan Williams reveals sparse attendance.  The above image, according to Williams, was taken during the President's first official campaign speech.  

During the speech, Obama ripped into the presumptive GOP nominee and discussed nation building at home, but the most newsworthy item of the day was not the talking points Obama delivered: it was the crowd... or lack thereof.  According to ABC News, the Obama campaign had expected an "overflow" of people.  Instead, the arena looked half-empty.  The Columbus Dispatch reports that Obama organizers even had people move from the seats to the floor of the gym in order to project a larger crowd on television.


  1. Looks like the new car smell is gone and we're left with a lemon we still have to make payments on for years to come.

  2. Nobody is going to come see him, unless they give those spongers who vote for him something for free like a bottle of coke or free pizza or something. Then see how fast the place fills up.

  3. His base doesn't even support him.

  4. I think most Democrats thought he was just another liberal now that they realize he's a communist they'll stay home.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Nobody is going to come see him, unless they give those spongers who vote for him something for free like a bottle of coke or free pizza or something. Then see how fast the place fills up.

    May 7, 2012 5:29 PM

    You left out the kool-aid

  6. lol, 14,000 is a small crowd? I guess Romney is still soar about his empty arena speeches.

  7. "lol, 14,000 is a small crowd?"

    My God YES for a sitting president! People always come out in droves to see in person a current sitting president no matter their party affiliation.

  8. Obama's cronies were going door to door trying to get people to go.

  9. Ron Paul fills them stadiums EVERY TIME!!! Obama and Romney draw very few folks and have very little mojo compared to Dr. Paul.

  10. Can't wait for Obama to win again

  11. Anonymous said...

    Ron Paul fills them stadiums EVERY TIME!!! Obama and Romney draw very few folks and have very little mojo compared to Dr. Paul.

    May 7, 2012 9:38 PM

    Look idiot, quit sucking on Ron Paul's hind tit and get with the program. Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in hell. We are not voting for Romney we are voting against Obama.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Can't wait for Obama to win again

    May 7, 2012 10:37 PM

    Kool Aid drinker... where is your turbin?

  13. If Obama wins again, or even if he doesn't, there will be widespread voter fraud or he will invoke marshall law


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