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Monday, May 07, 2012

New Obama Slogan Has Long Ties To Marxism, Socialism

The Obama campaign apparently didn't look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, "Forward" — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name "Forward!" or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called "Forward (generic name of socialist publications)."

"The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political terminology. It has been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left-wing newspapers and publications," the online encyclopedia explains.



  1. wow, such a sensationalized headline.

  2. or should I say article

  3. "It's socialism stupid"!
    We as devoted Americans must act to stop the advance of this Marxist Obama regime or the failed Soviet model will be our doom. We are being willfully divided to be conquered by a Socialist invasion of the Democratic party.

    Nobama 2012

  4. lol and many a "marxist" or "socialist" have also named themselves "freedom fighters". Similar to the "freedom" slogan constantly used by the right. What a bs "article"

  5. What part of what we see EVERYDAY with this administration would suggest that they AREN'T marxist/socialists??? 7:25 must have ingested quite a lot of that cool-aid... Please take a look around, open your eyes this time, and tell me you don't see socialism on the brink.

  6. If it walks like a duck . . .

  7. you people are loons

  8. Alex you are a kool aid drinker everything Obama has said and done has been Socialist at the minimum and Communist at the worst.

  9. Obama - people follow him blindly without question
    Hitler - people follow him blindly without question

    Obama - political rallies are held in stadiums
    Hitler - political rallies are held in stadiums

    Obama - changes the American Flag to the ancient symbol of Horus Sun worship
    Hitler - changes the German Flag to the ancient symbol of Black Sun worship

    Obama - political rally held in Berlin Germany
    Hitler - political rally held in Berlin Germany

    Obama - Writes a Biography; Barack Obama: What He Believes In
    Hitler - Writes a Biography; Mein Kampf: My Struggle

    Obama - Writes another Biography; The Audacity of Hope
    Hitler - Writes his 2nd Biography; A New World Order

    Obama - his Father leaves baby Barry for a professional career (divorces mother)
    Hitler - his Father leaves baby Adolph for a professional career (mother dies)

    Obama - his real family identity and his name Soetoro gets buried in the media
    Hitler - his real family identity and his Jewish name Schickelgruber gets buried in the media

    Obama - has a chain gang Youth Group singing Alpha Omega blindly praising Hussein on Youtube
    Hitler - had a Youth Group singing songs of nationalism praising Adolph (Pope Ratzinger was a member)

    Obama - was part of the Chicago slumlord regime
    Hitler - was part of the Nazi regime

    Obama - has Soros and Rothschild as financial backers
    Hiteler - had Prescott Bush and Rothschild as financial backers

    Obama - tries to conceal his Muslim Faith and Foreign Citizenship by manipulating his Birth Certificate
    Mainstream News covers Obama's illegal alien federal felony here: [link to www.youtube.com]
    Hitler - tries to conceal his Jewish roots by entering Austria and chasing down his Birth Certificate

    Obama - could have another false flag burning of 911
    Hitler - had the false flag burning of the Reichstag

    Obama - has a half-brother, George of Nigeria, he disassociates from
    Hitler - had a half-brother William Patrick lived in the USA died 1987, a half-sister named Angela

    Obama - probably hates either or both parents
    Hitler - probably hated either or both parents

    Obama - vote fraud and poll manipulation - ACORN, Propaganda; Obama Girl
    Hitler - vote fraud and poll manipulation - Minister Joseph Goebbels control of all News Media

    Obama - economy is in a Recession
    Hitler - economy was in a Recession

  10. Dear 8:48,

    Please seek professional help. The victory of Obama this coming November will very likely cause to become completely unhinged. I fear for your safety and the safety of those around you.

    The Wicomico County Health Department has excellent mental health counseling services. Seek them out and get well, my friend.

  11. FORWARD....right into bankruptcy!


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