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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

NEW CASTLE – Do you know an outstanding volunteer or volunteer group? The State Office of Volunteerism is now accepting nominations for the 2012 Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards.

The volunteer form is available on www.volunteerdelaware.org. Nominations must be received by Aug. 20. To be eligible:

Service must be performed in Delaware and the nominee cannot receive employment compensation.
Nominees must be 18 years of age or older and out of high school.
Nominees may not nominate themselves or be nominated by a family member.
Previous Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Award winners, individual or group, are not eligible for three years. State Office of Volunteerism staff and commissioners are not eligible.
Nominees must have been active within the previous 12 months. Nominators should also include information about long-term volunteer efforts.
Service may not be limited to partisan political involvement or religious activities, or solely for the benefit of an organization’s own membership.
Individual nominees must have volunteered a minimum of 100 hours and groups 250 hours.
“Every day across our state, volunteers donate their time and talents in the service of others,” Gov. Jack Markell said. “Their selfless contributions build stronger communities and lift up individuals and organizations in need of support. The Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards is an opportunity to recognize individuals and groups for their service, and to celebrate the spirit of volunteerism in Delaware.”

More than 148,000 Delawareans volunteered in 2010, contributing 16.9 million hours of service to nonprofit and community organizations in 2010, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service. Another 41,000 Delawareans volunteered informally helping neighbors or working on community issues.

To find volunteer opportunities or to post the need for volunteer assistance, go to www.volunteerdelaware.org.

“So many of the contributions from volunteers across Delaware directly complement the work of the Department of Health and Social Services,” said Rita Landgraf, Cabinet Secretary for DHSS, which oversees the State Office of Volunteerism. “We see how volunteers improve the quality of life for many of Delaware’s most vulnerable citizens. These awards are another chance for us to say thank you.”

Judging for the Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards will take place in September and winners will be notified soon after that. The awards ceremony will be Oct. 25 in Dover.

For more information about the Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards, go to www.volunteerdelaware.org, or contact Catherine Fox, Marketing and Media Coordinator, at the State Office of Volunteerism, at (302) 255-9745. Or contact Deborah Vandiver, New Castle County RSVP Program Manager, at the State Office of Volunteerism, at (302) 255-9878.

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