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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Neocon Purge Of Ron Paul Types

Pat Buchanan fills us in on a cocky Bill Kristol who seems to think that "Ron Paul types" have been purged from the Republican Party and that Kristol will be more than happy to see Ron Paul leave:

"The big story in the Republican Party over the last 30 years, and I'm very happy about this," said Kristol, is the "eclipsing" of the George H.W. Bush-James Baker-Brent Scowcroft realists, "an Arabist old-fashioned Republican Party ... very concerned about relations with Arab states that were not friendly with Israel ... ."

That Bush crowd is yesterday, said Kristol. And not only had the "Arabists" like President Bush been shoved aside by the neocons, the "Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul type" of Republican has been purged.

"At B'nai Jeshurun," writes Weiss, "Kristol admitted to playing a role in expelling members of the Republican Party he does not agree with." These are Republicans you had to "repudiate," said Kristol, people "of whom I disapprove so much that I won't appear with them."

"I've encouraged that they be expelled or not welcomed into the Republican Party. I'd be happy if Ron Paul left.



  1. Kristol is an idiot and he should leave the republican party to become a liberal democrat like he already is.

  2. 12:14 how about we expel anyone, dem or rep, that chooses to allow a foreign power to openly dictate our political system


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