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Monday, May 21, 2012

NC Teacher Screams at Student: It’s Criminal to Criticize Obama

A YouTube video uploaded on Monday afternoon apparently shows a schoolteacher from the Rowan-Salisbury school district in North Carolina informing a student that failing to be respectful of President Obama is a criminal offense. Breitbart News has uncovered that the student is a high school junior, and that the teacher is apparently one Tanya Dixon-Neely.

The video shows a classroom discussion about the Washington Post hit piece about Mitt Romney bullying a kid some five decades ago. One student says, “Didn’t Obama bully someone though?” The teacher says: “Not to my knowledge.” The student then cites the fact that Obama, in Dreams from My Father, admits to shoving a little girl. “Stop, no, because there is no comparison,” screams the teacher. Romney is “running for president. Obama is the president.”



  1. I just listened to that. One thing for sure the classroom was out of control to begin with. How can our children learn anything from a teacher like that? Totally unprofessional.

  2. The student sounded more educated than the teacher...Where are the standards? Just proof of what a union will do to competency.

  3. People, I have been saying it for years, Democrats have placed teachers in positions to screw up our youth to become Liberals.

    This teacher has an agenda, teach them Obama is God, she is too stupid to even win the argument, probably went home and told her relatives hanging from tree's somewhere that she told that kid.

  4. Don't like it when the kids are smart enough to not be fooled by this indoctrinating sorry excuse for a "teacher". There are many many more like her. Products of a pansy liberal college/university system that is pumping them out like this at an alarming rate.

    Tell your children not to stand for this kind of bullying by these "educators".

  5. I don't know if anyone took the time to scroll to the bottom and actually listen to the video on this. This teacher should not be teaching at all. She loses her cool way to easily and has no respect for any opinion other than her own. NO TEACHER has to right to scream at someone this way.

  6. I work with a teacher who shows up drunk everyday. Admin hasn't done a thing. It's people like this who give those of us who are working our butts off to help these kids a bad name.

  7. First came FAIL,
    Then came EPIC FAIL,
    Somewhere, a few notches down the list comes this moonbat!
    If she had any sense she'd use the koolaid she's been drinking to douse the fire in her hair.
    She so needs to find a new line of work. She'd excell as a paid protester. I'm happy that the kids in her class do not respect her enough to allow her to shout them down.

  8. she wasn't shouting...she was screaming a noise not recognizable by intelligent human beings. She is no teacher. She is a black american who was given a position because she was black. She made up rules because someone disagreed with her god Obama. Se voted for Obama because he was black. This teacher is an oxygen thief. A waste of skin. A splib and a scourge on society. Another example of the education system failing the students.

  9. That young man deserves high kudos.
    It amazes me that the youth can see through Obamas Socialistic game and some highly educated adults still are being led to the slaughter. No one has ever disrespected the office of the president more than the current inhabitants. If and when he earns the respect of office it will be given


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