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Sunday, May 06, 2012

National Christmas Tree has Died, is Removed

The National Park Service says the National Christmas Tree planted near the White House a year ago has died.

Park service officials say the Colorado blue spruce was lost due to "transplant shock." It came from a tree farm in New Jersey last year and was planted on the Ellipse just south of the White House in March 2011.

The tree replaced a tree that had stood on the Ellipse since 1978 but was destroyed by high winds in
February 2011.

After cutting away the lower branches, workers removed the dead tree Saturday.



  1. I believe that Obama and his muslim Kenyan brothers got together with the black panther and purposely destroyed the tree because it has the word Christmas in its name.

  2. Such the irony... with a muslim in the White House.

  3. Alex you beat me to the comment, agree 100%.

  4. They probably told Bo to pee on it so much that it killed it.

  5. Im certain it died of shame!

  6. Yea...You better LOOK OUT!!!! OBAMA is coming to take away your christmas trees...idiots.

  7. Anonymous said...

    They probably told Bo to pee on it so much that it killed it.

    May 6, 2012 11:09 AM

    Bo? Is he still around? I thought Barry ate him?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yea...You better LOOK OUT!!!! OBAMA is coming to take away your christmas trees...idiots.

    May 6, 2012 11:32 AM

    This clown is definitely an Obama loving Kool Aid drinker. Please tell us why you love Obama so much?

  9. Watch Obama blame this on Romney!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Watch Obama blame this on Romney!

    May 6, 2012 12:56 PM

    Actually he is going to blame it on Bush!

  11. 2:13--

    Romney is now the root of all evil in Obamaland -- he has replaced Bush in that role.

  12. economy, self-respect, christmas trees, promises,...anything obama touches on, dies.

  13. Wow talk about your Freudian similarities....perfect symbol of our country under Obama!


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