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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mormons, Catholics, Baptists & Jews Come Together to Plot Defense Plan for ‘Religious Liberty’

Conservative faith leaders of all stripes gathered on Thursday in Washington, D.C., to discuss the future of religious freedom in America. This event is the latest in a series of developments that were sparked by the Obama administration’s controversial contraceptive mandate. What started as a Catholic protest against the regulatory structure has expanded to include people of all faiths.

Little did the federal government suspect that its new regulations forcing religious groups to provide birth control free of charge would create such a wide-ranging firestorm among divergent faith communities. Religion News Service has more information about the collaborative effort that is underway:

Like-minded religionists of several denominations — including Southern Baptist leader Richard Land and Baltimore Archbishop William Lori — gathered in Washington Thursday (May 24) to organize a response to what they see as the sorry state of religious freedom in America today.



  1. "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all". What did they expect to happen? Not everybody is going to take this lying down, thank God!

  2. I'm glad this is happening but shocked that it even has to.

    This administration, along with the complacent left wing media and zealots are hell bent on destroying our nation and taking away our freedoms.

    Please folks, let's vote these morons out of all 3 branches for at least a decade or more until they've learned their lessons.


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