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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mikulski Says Equal Pay Still Lags

Forty-nine years ago this week, Congress passed the Equal Pay Act.  At the time, women workers made 59 cents for the same work that paid a man one dollar.
On Capitol Hill, Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski said we’ve seen little progress since the act was passed.
“We see 49 years later, we’ve only made 18 cents gain,” she said on the floor of the United States Senate.  “We want equal pay for equal work and we’re going to close the gap.”



  1. She is an idiot; fire her too in 2012 election with her _BOY_ Obama!

  2. She is an idiot for being correct?

  3. Be willing to bet that her female employees & staffers are paid VERY VERY WELL WITH GREAT "FRINGE" BENEFITS!!

  4. What's with the "WE" crap?
    She is a way too heavy a load for voters to carry.

  5. Somebody reminder her she's not in France!


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