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Monday, May 07, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 5-7-12


Mayor of Salisbury wanting to raise taxes?? He wants to make a bike route on Camden Ave. and make Camden Ave one way. If we dont have money in the coffers why are we spending money on something that is not needed? Raise taxes so he can have some money to do pet projects. I would like to keep some of that money here to do some of my pet projects. (like paint my building).

Have a good day Mayor Joe.

Publishers Notes: Mayor O'Ireton can't help but follow his leader and raise taxes.

Why not remove a good chunk of parking meters Downtown and help boost traffic instead. Why not even mention the Salisbury Police Departments needs, rather than a bike route. They did the same thing with the Fire Boat. Spend money on something completely unnecessary.

As far as Camden Ave becoming a one way street, no way! The ONLY reason O'Ireton would even suggest such a thing is to tick off that neighborhood.

Look, it's simple. Just tell us ONE thing that O'Ireton has done for the City of Salisbury since being elected, besides wanting to raise taxes.

Here's my proposal. The Mayor gets paid $25,000.00 a year. Pay the Mayor more like $50,000.00 a year. However, IF the Mayor cannot keep the budget under the previous year the Mayor only gets paid $25,000.00.

It should PAIN the Mayor just as much as it does the taxpayers to increase ANY budget. You have to think out of the box, something the current and former Mayor never did. However, the Mayor should be rewarded for proving to be fiscally responsible.

Seems fair to me. How about you? Just imagine how many stupid projects/expenses would disappear if something like this were done.


  1. The Mayor only gets paid $25k?
    How can anyone expect to attract talent with that low a salary?

  2. Attract someone interested in helping the community not a fat pay check like most of our government does. See Joe dont need the money he is just trying to help out the community. Money doesn't buy everything.

  3. To the person attempting to send in comments saying all I'm interested in is making more money, try again.

    IF you knew anything about local politics, unless Mayor Ireton AND the Council made this suggestion BEFORE I became Mayor, it wouldn't fly.

    It can only become active AFTER the first term. But then again, you run a clueless Blog anyway.

  4. How many people would be ok with a slight increase in their taxes if they knew for sure it would go to helping the SPD hire more officers. If crime goes down you property value will go up. You will be able to sell it for more money and they will also collect more in property taxes. People don't want to move to Salisbury because of the crime there. The problem is no one wants higher taxes because they always say they want money for a good thing and it ends up being spent on something stupid and not what it was intended for.

  5. Bike paths? What a joke. I lived in Northern VA. Bike paths everywhere and also people everywhere. Maybe just maybe you saw 5 or 6 bikes in the bike rack at the metro on any given day. The parking lot was full of cars though-hundreds of them. I can count on one hand how many times I saw people using the bike paths in a years time, unless it was the 2 or 3 times a year a biking special event was held.
    Ireton is out of touch with reality.

  6. Nova person is wrong. We have bike paths everywhere and there are always a ton of people on them. Including walkers and runners. I see at least 1,000 bikers every week.

  7. The state has taken the roads moneyfrom the county, if they give the city money for a bike path the county needs to sue.

  8. Now youv'e done it Joe, you start using good judgement and common sense and are applying it to government. You'll never fit in and I find it refreshing. As far as a bike path, I think it's a good thing if volunteers make it happen with private donations.


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