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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Leftist Race-Baiters

MSNBC's Chris Matthews, in a recent debate with former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele, called the Republican Party the "grand wizard crowd." Grand wizard is the title given to the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. It is truly misinformed to call Republicans the party of the Klan. Throughout our history, most Klansmen and most racists have been Democrats. Here are a few racist quotes from major Democratic figures.

The late Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., a former Klansman, wrote during World War II: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."



  1. This is oh so true and something young people don't even realize. I'm 50something and it wasn't until a few years back when I heard some libbies talking kkk and republicans that I did my homework.

    I was stunned and amazed that they don't even teach this anymore in schools.

    In my opinion if the left is going to continue race baiting then perhaps we need to start teaching history so that young people will get an idea of the motives and reasons behind it.

    Slavery anyone?

  2. In fact, the democratic party help found the KKK around the time of the Civil war. The first people who were targeted by the KKK were white and black Southern Republicans. Can't change history though, no matter how they attempt to spin it.

  3. Even more aggravating is the way black conservatives are treated by the left. You would think a celebration of the freedom to express one's viewpoint would be in order but no. The black conservative is called names and denigrated.

  4. Exactly 10:07 and it's why I believe that the motives might just be to continue with slavery.

    Think about it. Even when Johnson came up with the great society and welfare was given more liberally. What became of the black family unit then? It wasn't helpful to take handouts.

    Black conservatives point this out and are treated horribly by the left.

  5. If your a Republican from the south for several generations ask what party your grandfather belonged to. I will bet it was the democratic party. The southern racists all switched to the Republican party after LBJ signed the civil rights laws. They were all fed up and quit being Democrats.

  6. The popular imagination has been steeped in the lore and political correlation of the Jazz Age Ku Klux Klan. Whom used various politics and social concerns popular of the day, and since, not only have they given such politics and social concerns a bad name, but have given such credit to the previous period/incarnation klan of the post Civil War period. And to all Klans since former mentioned as well.

  7. 12:41 ....what???

  8. Reading these comments make my head want to explode.

    You people are so mis-informed its seriously not even funny anymore.

    I read these comments for the same reason I cant help but look at a car accident.


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