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Monday, May 07, 2012

Joint Statement From County Executive And Superintendent Of Schools

County Executive Rick Pollitt and Superintendent of Schools Dr. John E. Fredericksen said in a joint statement Friday that county and school system officials had a good thorough conversation about the FY 2012-13 budget process Friday afternoon. Recent misunderstandings were fully addressed and all parties agreed to re-commit to working as a team for the good of the children and the citizens of Wicomico County.


  1. Lord, save me from "well-intentioned" people!

  2. We are in deep chit now.

  3. All that means is hold your wallets folks here go taxes!

  4. believe that and i'll tell you another. watch out when the government and it's cohorts tell you they're working together to "help" our community. yes, hold on to your wallets and anything else that isn't nailed down.

    would really help if they started hiding facts and figures and started telling the truth. until then, don't hold your breath...

  5. The scariest words in the English language: "We're from the government... and we"re here to help."

  6. I hate it when government employees get a long, it means mucho higher taxes for the rest of us.

  7. I'll sleep better knowing this.
    Ha Ha


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