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Monday, May 07, 2012

Isaiah 9:10 'Most Important Discovery Of Decade'

In 1970, many churches were not regularly taught the doctrine of the second coming of Christ, more commonly known as premillennial prophecy. Then along came Hal Lindsey’s blockbuster bestseller, “The Late Great Planet Earth.”

The nation and the world were catapulted into a revival of knowledge that even the Prophet Daniel proclaimed would not be well known or revealed until the last days. A few great works have been added to Lindsey’s book and those who had only Clarence Larkin’s 1918 version of “Dispensational Truth” were reinvigorated to begin again to start studying the subject of eschatology. (The last things)

Now certain signs have been fulfilled in this generation that make it impossible to miss that the generation Jesus spoke of as the one sure to precede the second coming of Christ, is as the Bible says, “at hand.”

Of all the latest signs and the greatest teachings and discoveries about Christ’s imminent return in power that have graced this generation, none is more specific to America than the parallel Israel and America share in the passages of Isaiah 9: 10 and following.

Since online journalism often falls prey to the speed of surfing and the new lightning speed of digital browsers, I will state the early and emphatically; the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy/parallel is, without doubt, the most important and impressive discovery in this decade. It is a wakeup call that we can only ignore at our own peril.

“The Harbinger,” which traces the parallels between judgment on Israel and the United States of America, circa 2012. Or see the warnings, in “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”

In both Old and New Testament days the Lord made it clear to his apostles and prophets and servants that if they went unheard and subsequently unheeded that it was God that was being rejected, not the servant. Under inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, God, his message and the messenger stand as one. That being said, the primary here is Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Jonathan is what is known as a, Messianic Rabbi, (Christian) whose message is heard daily on hundreds of radio stations across the nation.

Joseph Farah is the producer of the documentary and he is a man who hardly needs an introduction. As the founder and CEO of WND.com (formerly WorldNetDaily), a website that has recently been ranked among the top 500 sites in the nation, he is well known for his journalism and his untiring pursuit of the truth.

The documentary is used to show the parallel between ancient Israel and America. We are without doubt producing the same behaviors that Israel did before it began to fall under the judgment of God.

Since both Israel and America were chosen to represent God’s works and his message in our world it might seem apropos that we should both choose a similar path, but since it is a path to our own demise, it is anything but desirable.

God is the author and finisher of all things but he does want to make it clear that we play a role in the outcome of all that happens in our lives as individuals and collectively as a nation. This then, is the very heart of this documentary.


1 comment:

  1. Catholics don't believe this and they are always right.


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